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She hated that she was begging. Pleading with him. In any other situation, she would’ve been horrified at her behavior. Humiliated. But her body was on fire, a bomb teetering on the brink of detonation.

He spread her thighs wider, and she put one hand on the couch to support her weight. Breath caught in her throat when he blew cool air against her heated core. Every muscle tensed as his tongue slipped between her lips.

His first foray into the sensitive folds had her crying out. Her nails dug into his skin, causing blood to well up on her fingertips. The jolt of pain spurred his aggressive nature, and Dannika realized he was in no more control than she was. He was a ravenous animal engorged in his feast.

Raine licked her like he was starving. His tongue was rough and aggressive, an extension of the predator he was. She fought for breath as her stomach coiled. Her breasts jutted out as she arched back further. All the while he held her locked to his marauding mouth, devouring her, lapping her hot milk like a hungry cat.

Rippling waves of pleasure cascaded over her skin. Claws pierced her skin, but she barely noticed. She couldn’t stand it. She couldn’t catch her breath. When she pushed on his shoulders, his magical tongue stabbed deeper, licking the cream from her sensitive channel. She screamed as her body came apart, exploding with tiny fireworks beneath her skin and behind her eyes.

Raine could’ve been carved from stone. His taut muscles and glowing pupils roamed over her as he stood. His piercing eyes were stark and filled with lust. “You’re mine.”

He whispered the words in the low undertone of his alpha, but he may as well have screamed them. The beast within her rose to meet the wolf it had chosen. It growled its approval and its acceptance. She opened her mouth to respond, but no words would escape. Denial was her only defense. Her only chance to save him.

He pulled her against his body. “Do you understand what I’m saying, Dannika? There will never be another. You belong to me.”

She would’ve given them anything at that moment to get him inside her. To relieve the mounting pressure that he had created. Giving up her soul, her freedom seemed a paltry price. Whatever the consequences, she would deal with them later.


He drove into her, parting her slick flesh, stretching the tight muscles with the battering ram. Lightning raced through her blood, burning away the sting of pain of his invasion. His fingers gripped her ass so tightly she was sure they’d leave a permanent impression. He thrust deeper and deeper, over and over, until she was breathless, her body a slave to his magical possession.

She gripped him fiercely, hanging on as if her life depended on it. He felt too large, and her too tight, but it only added to the mounting pleasure. Her shadow coiled around them in a dark mystical embrace before his rose to do the same. A black tornado of desire and ecstasy. A visible creation of their lust.

He rocked her with every brutal thrust. Their souls were as much a prisoner to the relentless passion as they were.

She screamed when his cock swelled, and he bit down on her neck. The stinging pain sent a raging inferno of pleasure through her body. She clamped down, milking his cock with her orgasm.

Her body quivered as her shadow retracted. She kept her eyes averted as it took one last caress over Raine’s body before resuming its place within her.

She couldn’t move. She’d run a ten-mile marathon and hadn’t felt this kind of exhaustion. Her body was limp, her mind fractured as she contemplated the consequences of her actions. She knew the moment he sensed her frustration.

Raine tipped up her chin. “You’re used to being a one-woman show. I understand that, but I need you to trust me. We will get through the trials together.”

Her emotions were too raw to oppose him. The idea of having someone fight at her side was appealing. If anyone was strong enough, it was Raine.

“Why have the trials if I get to choose, anyway? Why is Maddock such a dick?”

Raine wrapped his arms around her. His warmth seeped into every cell of her body. “I honestly don’t know.”

“He hates me.”

Raine kissed the top of her head. “It’s strange. He was always pleased with a successful transition. His emotional outbursts are surprising for his age.”

She tipped her head up. “Does he hate women?”

“No. Not at all.”

Dannika frowned. “How can you be sure?”

“Because he had a woman. He...”

A clan member opened the door. Raine moved in front of Dannika, blocking her naked body from the intruding wolf clan member.

Dannika peeked from behind Raine’s back. “Doesn’t anyone knock around here? Are lack of manners a shadow trait too?”

The man averted his eyes. “My apologies. We have never had to concern ourselves with such things inside the shadow cave.”

Raine rolled his shoulders. “What do you want, Darren?”
