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Darren’s eyes flicked to Dannika’s. They held the speculative interest, but his curiosity wasn’t sexual. “Maddock has requested Dannika’s presence.”

“Why?” Raine asked.

“More clan members than Maddock expected seek to mate Dannika. The first combat trial is about to begin. The leaders are demanding she choose a man from each clan.”


Dannika quickly dressed while Darren turned around to give her privacy.

Raine tugged on his jeans and grabbed his shirt. “We will be ready in a minute. I will escort Dannika to the trial.”

Darren shook his head, turning back to face them. “Maddock has decreed the trials are to be attended by leaders only. I will invite you when it is your time to fight.”

Raine stepped forward, his form rippling with black mist. “You defy me?”

Darren looked down. “Never, Alpha Raine. I am following Maddock’s orders. If you disagree with his decree, please take it up with him.”

Raine took a deep breath as his shadow receded. “My apologies, Darren. You cannot defy your alpha. I will speak to Maddock.” He turned to Dannika. “Go with Darren. I have some arrangements to make, then I will speak to Maddock about the situation.”

She glanced between the men. “What am I supposed to do?”

Darren’s face lit up. “You are the guest of honor and will have the privilege of watching all the fights. You will not choose a winner until all combatants have displayed their skills.”

Dannika gave Raine a dirty look. “Can’t wait.”

Darren proceeded to the door. “Come with me, please.”

With a last look at Raine, Dannika followed Darren out the door. As he led her down several twists and turns, she realized they were heading deeper into the mountain.

“I thought we were going to the ring? The one in the field.”

Darren smiled uneasily at her. “We hold these trials in the formal combat ring. It’s located in the last tunnel. We use it primarily for ascension trials.”

She frowned. “What is an ascension trial?”

Darren touched his chest. “I am a born shadow, but not all shadows are clan warriors. Some of us are specialists. We train of course and can fight when needed, but transitioned or born, we have unique roles within the clan.”

“I noticed you looked down when Raine’s shadow emerged. Did you think he would hurt you?”

Darren shook his head. “Raine will be the next leader of the wolf shadow clan. His voice is powerful and my shadow must listen to his. Maddock is doing right by his clan, by training his successor. There must always be two shadow alphas. The leader and his apprentice. Maddock will eventually weaken with age, and he will die in combat. Raine will be the leader, and a new alpha will be born or transition. The cycle begins anew.”

“What is a specialist? What do you do within the clan?”

His eyes lit up before he stopped in the cave. He extended his hands as black mist swirled around them. A perfect three-dimensional map of the entire mountain formed in his hands. Every tunnel, every crevice and creek were represented in the perfect replica.

“I am a cartographer. I scout the areas requested of me, and create a dimensional map.”

Dannika ran her fingers through the swirling mist. It moved only to reform once her hand had passed. “That’s incredible. Will I be able to do that?”

Darren smiled. “No. I am the only one with this gift, but if Maddock allows me, I can place the map rune on your wrist. You will be able to activate its likeness at will.”

She glanced down the tunnel. “All the shadows have one of your runes, don’t they?”

“Yes. They have several. For the city, outlying forests, our caves. I create the maps whenever it is requested of me.”

“Is it just maps?”

Darren looked around nervously. “The clan has not asked me to make anything but a map.”
