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“That doesn’t answer my question.”

Darren leaned in. “I can make a 3D image of anything. I like art, but it is not a skill that is useful here.”

“Surely you have created something in private. Will you show me?”

Darren moved his fingers, and the map blurred. It appeared as a sphere of fog before the images sharpened. The snout and teeth were first, then the deep gray eyes. The definition in the fur, with shades of white, gray, and black, was last. The image of the snarling wolf was eerie and compelling.

“Do you like it?”

It was the uncertainty in the timid voice that destroyed her preconceptions of the young shadow warrior. She wanted to see them as monsters. Something she was destined to fight. Evil. His look was almost childlike in his bid for approval.

“It’s stunning,” she said. “I wish I could keep it.”

Darren moved his hands, and the image disappeared. He grabbed her wrist before extending his claw. She sucked in a breath as he carved a symbol. It healed and disappeared instantly.

She looked at the unmarred area. “What did you do?”

He took her other hand and ran it over her wrist. The image of the wolf manifested in her hand.

“Holy crap.” She moved the image back and forth, altering its size and coloring. “That’s unbelievable.”

“You will find the maps more useful, but this is my gift to you. Use it to learn how to size and focus on a target area. You will need those skills when you are given warrior status and receive your runes.”

She touched his arm. “Thank you. This is the most beautiful gift I have ever been given.”

Darren nodded, flushing. “We shouldn’t keep Maddock waiting.”

The tunnel was empty as she followed him. The scrape of steel against the stone was her only warning before they entered the large, circular room.

Simple wooden benches sat to one side. Various weapons had been mounted on the wall opposite of the seats. White sand covered the floor, stark against the gray stone walls.

Darren let her to the center bench where Maddock sat. He indicated for her to sit beside the wolf clan leader.

Dannika did as instructed, more to keep Darren from his leader’s wrath than the need to do as instructed. Her wolf rose, snarling its discomfort at her environment, pushing her to return to the wolf it had chosen. To Raine.

Darren hurried away.

Maddock nodded at her, and his smile seemed genuine. He held his hands up as two men entered. They positioned themselves at opposite ends of the room, bowing to Maddock.

“You may begin,” he said.

The footsteps on the sand barely made a sound, but the slapping sound of two grown men attacking one another was unmistakable and crude. The larger man ripped a strip of flesh from his opponent’s chest. It hung link a wet noodle, bouncing against his abdomen as he continued to battle. Dannika looked away as a smell of iron permeated the air.

Maddock leaned toward her. “Roane, the large man on the left, is from the bear clan. He is incredibly strong and can sense a reaper for miles. He is an exceptional hunter. Luke is a cougar. He is an excellent warrior and can hold his shadow form for hours. He leads many reaper hunting parties. Both are fast and efficient fighters.”

She glanced at the men tearing each other apart. They kept their shadow forms locked down, so scratches and tears marred both their chests. Blood dripped down their abdomens.

“If you think this barbaric display is impressive, you’re wrong. I don’t care who you put in the ring. I’m not interested.”

Maddock turned to her with glowing eyes. “If you push me any further, I will choose your mate for you and I doubt you will be happy with my choice. I gave you a concession, one you didn’t deserve. I suggest you take advantage of it.”

Her wolf rose with her anger. Its fire reflected in her eyes as she met Maddock’s icy stare. “I am choosing, and it will be Raine.”

“You will supervise all the fights before making a choice. Your wolf has not had a chance to observe the other combatants.”

“I’ll watch the fights, but it won’t change my decision. It’s going to be Raine.”

Maddock’s form rippled. “Raine is not your mate. My chosen son is an alpha and will not be tied to the likes of you. I won’t allow him to be weakened by a female. He has a destiny, and you are not part of it.”
