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Her face softened. “What happened?”

Colton glanced at the forest. “He planned to kill me. His claws extended, and he was seconds from beheading me, then he sniffed me. Maybe I had some of my parents’ blood on me, I’m not sure, but he bit into my neck and fed. What I know of reapers, he shouldn’t have been attracted to my mother or sister, but Killian seemed drawn to us.”

Dannika followed Colton’s gaze. “That’s not all.”

Colton’s eyes met hers. “You are perceptive. I am curious what your shadow skill will be.”

She folded her arms. “So am I. Sometimes I think it would be cool to have a rare gift and become a specialist, and other times I want a common gift. Now, finish the story.”

“Impatient too.” He took a deep breath. “Killian told me he looked forward to my shadow emerging. It was as if he knew I would survive transition despite my young age.”

Steele winced. “I’m guessing that he did.”

“How?” Dannika asked.

“Killian’s ability is foreshadowing. It’s not always accurate, but he’s right more often than not.”

Dannika’s head cocked to the side. “He saw something in Colton?”

Steele nodded. “He must have. Likely the ability to survive transition. Remember, the reapers can’t reproduce. They rely on us to strengthen their numbers.”

“Then why do they attack the human women when they are pregnant? You said they usually avoid women during childbearing years, but Killian killed your mate.”

“A snake is still a snake. A woman carrying a shadow child is the human equivalent of a filet mignon. They track shadow movements, intending to turn us. The more reaper venom we’re injected with increases the chances of us turning. When they find a shadow with a mate, her pregnancy causes a change in her blood chemistry. It’s like waving alcohol in front of an alcoholic. Keep in mind, reapers have no desire to reform.”

“I understand. I am curious what Killian saw in Colton though,” Dannika said.

Raine huffed. “We will ask him right before we kill him.”

Dannika nibbled her lip as she looked at Colton.

Raine touched her arm. “I can hear the wheels in your mind turning. What is it?”

“What’s the difference between a shadow that is born and one that is turned? Is there a difference in their abilities?” she asked.

Raine rubbed his chin. “Nothing except a born shadow doesn’t go through the pain of transition. He knows only shadow life. He also learns to use his gifts at a much younger age. The shadow born are more adept with their abilities. The transitioned take more time to develop.”

“So once you’re trained and mature, there’s no difference.”

“Yes,” Raine said. “Why do you ask?”

“Just curious about shadow abilities once they turn reaper.”

Raine had to admire the way Dannika’s mind worked. She ferreted through a puzzle at lightning speed, taking them in directions they would never think of, reminding him of Darwin. As a fledgling, her abilities would take time to mature, but she was developing faster than any shadow before her. The cougars watching her had noticed as well.

“Once he turns reaper and begins feeding on human blood, he becomes immortal and his animal dies, strengthening his demon,” Raine said. “His shadow ability gets stronger.”

Her lips pursed. “I won’t comment on how sexist that last statement was, or do you question whether I will have shadow abilities?”

He cleared his throat. “I apologize. Like Colton, I’m looking forward to your shadow gifts emerging and the possibility of you having more than one. I am simply unaccustomed to the female aspect of shadow life.”

“Well, get accustomed. Do you have any idea what my shadow ability will be?”

He hated the uncertainty in her voice, as if she were somehow less than him. She didn’t understand the gift she was to the clan. To the shadow shifter world.

“I have no idea what your ability will be, but you are young in our community. It may not emerge for a few years. I can tell you that many of the transitioned have gifts that connect to their human world. Darwin, for example, was a police officer.”

She tapped her chin. “Well, that doesn’t help. There’s nothing special about me other than I can make a mean grilled cheese sandwich, and we all know how useful that skill is.”
