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His shadow shrouded the room in darkness, a multitude of hues in grey and black. No colour. No hope. It appeared like death to those who wouldn’t understand, but Stern was a shadow shifter. Her responsibility. She would use every tactic she knew to reason with him.

“I know you’re angry. You have every right to be, but if you don’t control your shadow, it will force you to hunt. If you kill a human, you turn into the thing that ruined your life.”

Stern growled as he snapped at her face. While he was large, he was a fledgling, and for now, she was stronger.

“Listen to me, Stern. Reach for your peace. I don’t know what that is for you. A memory of your mother. Your family on the reserve. The men you called friends in the military.”

His struggles intensified, along with his growls. It was like a rabid animal, intent on her destruction. There was no rational thought. If there was, he’d have used his military training. The instinct to kill was overpowering. Maddening. She remembered those moments. How had Raine reached her? How did you reach a man in pain? One who would never show it?

“Life is unfair. I know that, but if you continue to fight me, I’ll have to put you down. I won’t risk you turning reaper and preying on the people you used to protect. A true soldier knows when to walk away from a fight. When to stop and regroup.”

Stern’s body continued to roll with black mist, but he backed away, a look of confusion and contempt plastered on his face. “What am I?”

Disorientation. Confusion. Denial. The transition was a trifecta of negative emotion. It bombarded you until you questioned your own existence. Maybe that was the only way to make a man accept his new life.

Stern looked at his shadowy hands, translucent and powerful, as waves of black mist rolled off his body. “This can’t be.”

His denial cut her to the core, as if he was some kind of monster, worse than anything he had imagined. More gruesome than anything he’d fought in his years of service to his country.

She took her reaper blade and placed it on the bed. “It was my fault you lost your human life. You are now a shadow shifter, and a protector of all humanity. Your anger is justified, but don’t aim it at yourself. The only person you can hurt is me.” She motioned to the blade on the bed. “This kills me if you remove my head. If my life will appease you, then take it. Seek your revenge.”

Stern’s body rippled with black shadows. The fight for control mirrored in his eyes. The darkness in his pupils wavered between black and chocolate before the warm brown won out.

He moved away from Dannika until his back touched the opposite wall. “I won’t hurt you. Put the knife away.”

Raine materialized as he exited the shadow beneath the door. “You took a ridiculous chance, Dannika, with a newly turned. I almost killed him when he put his hands around your neck. He does it again, and he’s dead.”

Dannika narrowed her eyes on Raine. “He just had his life ripped away from him. Give him the same courtesy you gave me.”

She would’ve said more, but she realized how hard it would have been for Raine to wait. To give her time to get Stern under control. Trust was the ultimate gift, and she had no intention of wasting it.

Colton materialized beside Raine. “I’m surprised Raine didn’t kill him. I would not have hesitated. He so much as looks at you sideways and he’s dead.”

“Bring it on asshole,” Stern growled.

Dannika shook her head. “Ignore them Stern. Alpha ego’s are the size of Texas.”

Raine’s eyes turned black. “She had it under control. Impressive for a fledgling.”

Colton’s eyes hardened on Raine. “You shouldn’t have taken a chance. Stern is weak from transition, but he is military trained.”

“You had your chance to interfere,” Raine said.

Colton shrugged. “Had she been in any real danger, I would have.”

Dannika rolled her eyes. “Are you two done measuring your dicks?” She pointed at Stern. “He is my responsibility. If either of you touch him, you will deal with me.”

Stern glanced between them, with wariness in his eyes. “Is she always like this?”

“Yes,” they said in unison.

“Lucky me,” Stern said.

Colton and Raine growled.

Dannika grabbed the blade from the mattress. While she understood Raine and Colton’s need to protect her, Stern was her responsibility. Nobody would hurt her fledgling. Threatening him pushed her past reason. She would rather try her luck with the bear clan. “That’s it. I’m leaving, and I’m taking Stern with me.”

