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Jealousy was a vicious emotion. It cut through your soul more deadly than any reaper blade. Worse, because Raine had no experience with it. He’d never spent more than a night with a woman. It took all of his considerable control to stop his shadow from ripping the fledgling apart. His only consolation, the cougar next to him was contemplating the same thing.

Dannika, however, wasn’t lying. Her instinct to protect Stern was every bit as real as his to protect her. If he wasn’t careful, he would lose his mate. “Dannika, we have no intention of harming Stern. He doesn’t understand our rules and will be given time to learn.”

Her eyes hardened on him. “Then why are you guys growling at him?”

Raine glanced at Stern’s slack expression. “He needs to learn the hierarchy within the clan. We were warning him.”

“Of what?”

Raine’s eyes flickered with blue fire. “That you are mine.”

Dannika rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Just don’t threaten him again.”

Stern scratched his head. “What do I do next? How do I explain this to my teammates?”

Colton flicked a glance at Dannika. “Obviously, you didn’t get to the part where you explain he isn’t returning to the human world.”

Stern’s eyes widened. “Pardon me? I understand I have to abide by your rules, and never show my shadow warrior, but why would I give up my job? If anything, these new abilities will help me overseas. I’m slated for a new tour in two months.”

Dannika’s head dropped. With their shadows connected, Raine could feel her sorrow. Her pain. Her guilt.

“You won’t be returning to the human world, Stern,” she said.

Stern’s eyes turned black. “I’d like to know how you’re going to stop me.”

She kept her eyes on the ground. “Raine and Colton will stop you. If you try to leave, they will put you in a cell until they can test you. They need to confirm you have an animal.” She raised her head. “I want to protect you, Stern. I need to, but you have to understand the rules. The venom in your claws can infect a human. Would you put your military friends at that kind of risk? If they have families, children, they’d have to join the shadow clan.”

Stern frowned. “No, I won’t put anybody at risk until I understand what I am. How this works.”

She gave him a reassuring smile. “I appreciate that. You’re far more understanding about this than I was.”

Stern glanced at the men. “I haven’t agreed to anything. I’m just getting all the facts. What happens next?”

Colton motioned to the door. “The other clans will arrive later. They were already en route. We will test you to see if we can get your animal to emerge. You will need some rest first. I have arranged a room at the visitor’s lodge. Its standard procedure for any fledgling within the cougar clan. You will live there while you learn.”

Stern nodded. “Hate to admit it, but I’m exhausted. I can barely keep my eyes open.”

Colton stepped through the door. “That’s normal. Follow me.”

Stern followed Colton while Raine appraised his mate. Her hands jerked at her sides as she pursed her lips.

“What is it? I can practically hear the wheels in your mind turning,” Raine said.

“I’m just worried. What if he doesn’t have an animal? Worse, what if he is a wolf? Maddock would have a field day with him.”

Rain put his arm around her. “Don’t worry about it. If he turns out to be a wolf, I will claim him as my fledgling. I’m capable of training two.”

Her arms circled his waist. It was rare for her to seek comfort. He loved these vulnerable moments that she only shared with him.

“Thank you. What do we do while we wait for the clans to arrive?” she asked.

Raine’s shadow rose, engulfing his mate, sending her waves of reassurance and love before he entered the dark pathway. They raced through the slipstream, weaving their way to his assigned tree house. They coalesced in his living room.

“I have a few ideas.”

Her eyes roamed over his body. “Why do I have the feeling those ideas are perverted?”

Raine’s lips descended on her so fast she had to grab onto him to stop from falling. His iridescent eyes pulsed with fire and arousal. She opened her mouth, accepting his desire. He needed to focus on the clan issues. Their newest arrival. Anything but her. She moaned when he slammed his mouth onto hers. His tongue swept through her lips, demanding she acknowledge him. Her mate.
