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She closed her hand over the door handle. “It does.”

His eyes flickered with the red fire. “How do you know I won’t just kill you when you release me?”

“Because you didn’t lie. Killian wants me alive, and if you don’t do as I say, then I will die, and Killian will torture you in every way imaginable.”

The reaper stepped back with wariness in his eyes. “You would never trust me free of this cell. I would kill every shadow around you.”

Her eyes darkened. “But not me.”

Gavil’s jaw ticked. “Not you. The king has plans for you. I would whip you, beat you, within an inch of your life, but I will bring you to the king. You will be his lapdog. A pretty pet licking his feet, where you belong.”

She huffed. “You’re pathetic and unimaginative, but I need you to deliver a message.”

Gavil’s eyes widened. “I can do that. Is it for Killian?”


Venom dripped from his lengthened fangs. “I promise to deliver your message if you set me free.”

“Your promises don’t mean shit, but you won’t risk Killian’s wrath if you don’t deliver this message.”

Gavil growled, but he nodded.

Dannika opened the door, deactivating the lights.

Her back slammed against the ground when Gavil attacked, evicting the breath from her lungs. He snapped at her with venom-laced fangs. His hands circled her neck, restricting her airways.

As hard as she found shadow life, she would never give up on Raine. She would die to protect him, but her will was breaking. Her body was weak, with her repeated attempts to stall feeding. She couldn’t hold out much longer, but she could do this.

She kneed him in the balls, jumping back when he rolled off her. “Raine and Maddock are in a death match. I’m going to interrupt the fight. Invite Kilian to watch me die.”

Her body dissolved as she entered the shadow pathway, the wrenching pain welcoming as her skin flayed.


Shadows had an eidetic memory. Each time Dannika navigated the dark pathway, it became easier. She’d made the trip between the cougar clan’s territory and the caves that were home to the wolves several times. As she approached the mouth of the shadow, she slowed, controlling her exit.

She hovered in the darkness as her skin reformed and her hair sprouted from her scalp. She ran her hand through her hair before stepping from the shadow pathway. The pride in her newfound ability was interrupted.

Pain crushed her skull as she fell forward, clutching the dirt. She’d purposely taken a pathway that led her to the exterior of the caves. The shouts and growls from the combat ring echoed in the air, drowning out the snarls behind her.

She rolled onto her back as Gavil coalesced behind her. “Aren’t you supposed to be delivering a message?”

Gavil’s lips curled. “I did. Killian will be along shortly to collect you.”

Her hands clawed into the soft dirt at the base of the rocks. “You’re a receiver.”

Ryder had told her shadows could possess multiple abilities. She didn’t ask if Gavil had more than one. She cursed under her breath.

Venom dripped from Gavil’s fangs when he smiled. “I didn’t lie. I delivered your message and now we can have a little fun before the king arrives.”

He lunged at her.

Dannika grasped the dirt and flung it in his face. He grabbed her ankle as she scrambled to get away.

He was on her, blanketing her body with his as she attempted to get traction on the soft earth. Her elbow whipped back, catching him in the chin. The crack echoed in her ear as he screamed. The momentum forced him to roll off her back.

She stood looking down at Gavil while his cheekbone realigned. “You’re still weak from the light cell. Coming here was a stupid mistake.”
