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The clearing had seemed less intimidating when it was littered with dead reapers.

Dannika had been happy to let Raine organize their mating ceremony and to spend the day with Colton at the cougar clan. She assumed the new leader of the wolves, her mate, would have more important things to deal with than decorate or make elaborate plans. She couldn’t have been more wrong. The field looked like something out of a designer catalogue.

Raine had suggested incorporating some shifter customs, but she’d never envisioned anything like this. She allowed Raine to lead her through the round tables covered in white linen with purple flower centerpieces. Twinkling strings of white lights hung on ceramic posts, creating a temporary aisle between the tables that led to an ornate white arch.

Tomorrow she would stand under that intricately carved arch with fresh lilies hanging above her head and marry the man who had stolen her heart. The man who’d shown her the beauty of the darkness.

Raine’s eyes sparkled, the iridescent blue catching the morning light. She considered telling him that the fancy decorations and perfect lighting didn’t matter, that she would love him, worship him, for the rest of her days regardless of where they said their vows. His smile stopped her.

“Someone was having fun while I was at the cougar clan,” she said.

He took her hand in his. Standing before the arch made it seem like a rehearsal for the main event.

“I admit I wasn’t sure you’d like it,” he said. “I asked Darren to set this up, but he insisted on researching human wedding receptions. Since there won’t be any food, he thought the flowers and lights would be a pleasant touch. He enlisted the help of the clan members, so it may have gotten a little out of hand.”

Dannika glanced at the dozens of tables, noticing the one that had a tablecloth but no centerpiece. “What’s that one for?”

Raine’s smile lit his eyes. “The presents.”

She had never seen him so excited. He was like a child on Christmas morning, and she loved him all the more.

“I’m not sure if you’re more excited about our upcoming nuptials or getting presents.” She failed to keep the laughter from her voice.

He winked. “Definitely our ceremony, but I haven’t had a present since I was human, so I admit to some enthusiasm.”

Dannika noticed the sea of folding chairs clustered around the tables. “No presents? I realize this is the first mating ceremony, but you don’t celebrate birthdays or Christmas?”

He brought her hand to his lips. “That hasn’t been part of our culture, but that doesn’t mean it can’t change. Maverick told me the children are making something special for us. I’m hoping that this is one of many human customs we can reintroduce to the shadow clans.”

She kissed him because she needed to. His soft lips reminded her that while the monsters were still after them, she had a mate, a guardian, willing to stand up for her. It was a gift beyond any other.

She sighed when he broke the kiss.

He unsheathed his reaper blade and ran his fingers over its runes. “Our shifter forefathers had their mate’s insignia tattooed on their shoulder. I would like your rune inscribed on my blade. I asked Ezra, and he agreed. Once mated, our souls are intertwined for all time. Our blades will be the same.”

She touched the rune that looked like a wolf. “I think that’s an amazing idea. Can I inscribe your rune on my blade?”

“I was hoping you would say that. We can’t have wedding rings, only tattoos or runes.”

She shuddered. “I hate needles. Let’s stick with the runes.”

Raine motioned the clearing. “Is it too much? I know you envisioned something simpler.”

Dannika ran a finger over an intricately carved bell on the woven lattice adorning the arch. “I’m surprised, but honestly, it’s beautiful. And knowing that the clan is so excited reminds me it’s not just about us.”

She was unsuccessful in masking the quiver in her voice. She never thought this day would come. That she’d face this heartbreak.

“You’re upset. What is it?”

She brushed her hand over a white petal surrounded by green velvet, woven into the lattice. “Lori and Jacob would have loved this.”

“Your foster parents,” Raine said.

“Lori gave me a pin. It’s super fancy, with rhinestones and blue sapphires. A family heirloom she wore at her wedding. I never believed I’d use it.”

Raine arched his eyebrows. “I hope you plan to wear it for the ceremony.”
