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The low vibration started in her chest as her demon growled in triumph, racing to the surface.


Power and pain crawled through her body like a parasite, tying her to a monster for all time. Killian, leader of the reapers. Her father. Her master.

Dannika released Killian’s wrist. The burn subsided, but she knew it was only a reprieve. Her vision was tinged with red. The dark shadows called her in a sleek seduction of death, whispering the advantages of turning reaper, of killing, of consuming human blood and experiencing the ultimate thrill.

Her mind and body fought against one another. The taunting images of death supplied by her demon made crimson tears stream down her face. “I did as you asked. Let Raine go.”

Killian tipped her ravaged face up towards his. “You feel it now. The power. The instinct to kill. You will turn reaper soon, but not before we take a brief trip. If it’s any consolation, I won’t let you kill a human until we are ready for the next stage of my plan.”

She swallowed the taste of Killian’s blood. “I will die before I turn reaper, but uphold your end of the bargain.”

Killian laughed. “You don’t understand, but your mate does. You are already mine. I am not required to do anything you ask of me. I order, and you will obey.”

She spit the excess blood from her mouth. “I won’t help you unless you release Raine.”

Killian released her chin. “It seems you require a lesson. One I am happy to oblige.” He turned to the reapers holding Raine. “Beat him, but don’t kill him.”

The reapers began punching and kicking Raine. His chains made it impossible for him to fight back, and the barbed links cut into his skin as he fell back. Blood permeated the air, drawing the attention of the reaper clan. The area became standing room only as the clan members came to watch the show.

Killian grabbed Dannika as she lunged forward. He wrapped his arms around her body, fighting her as she struggled, pressing her back against his chiseled chest.

“Let me go, you pig!” Dannika screamed.

Killian’s breath was like ice against her earlobe. “Not yet, little hellcat. I promise not to kill him, a demonstration of my power. All obey me, and so shall you. Right now, you think that betraying your clan is the worst part. Trust me, it isn’t. The death of your mate will destroy you.”

She shuddered in his arms. Not because his touch made ice form in her veins, but because it was the truth. Reid had been a decent man. A man that wouldn’t leave his mate, despite shadow rules. He was destroyed by his wife’s death. Dannika would be a weapon against the people she loved and trusted.

She forced her body to go slack. “Please, stop this.”

Killian released her. “Begging is far more appropriate.”

He waved his hand and the reapers beating Raine backed away.

Dannika ran to his side and brushed a blood-soaked strand of hair from his eyes. “Raine.”

It was a plea for forgiveness for what she had done. For what was to come. Raine opened the eye that remained unswollen. The iridescent blue held sorrow and shame. He would recover from his injuries in time, but would he ever forgive her? “You need to get away.”

She put her hand on his chest. “That ship has sailed. I’ll do what’s needed to keep you and the wolf clan safe. You’re the one that needs to go.”

Julius coalesced beside her. She noticed they shared the same bone structure. That was where the similarities ended. His mask of hatred far outweighed hers. How many reapers had Killian corrupted?

His eyes roamed over her in contempt. “I should kill the wolf leader. Killian has made far too many concessions where you’re concerned.”

Dannika tried to hold her tongue, but the power flowing through her blood made it impossible. “Jealous of me, Julius? I thought I was the girl in the family.”

The reapers gathered around laughed.

Killian arched an eyebrow. “My daughter is spirited, isn’t she?”

The amusement in Killian’s voice proved too much for Julius. He grabbed Dannika by the throat, slamming her to the ground beside Raine. “Perhaps you would like to join our mother in death.”

Dannika’s eyes burned red. “Stop being a wimp and do it.”

Claws extended from his knuckles. His eyes burned with death and anger. Julius wanted to kill her. He struggled on the brink of following through with the threat when Killian tossed him in the air. He landed on his stomach and Killian put a boot on his son’s chest.

“Never threaten my daughter without my permission. You don’t touch her unless I tell you. If you cannot follow simple instructions, then you die.”
