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Deruthel put a claw to his temple. “I feel you priestess. The end is coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Enjoy your freedom while you can.”

Riley sucked in a breath as Dannika released her hand, and the cozy living room returned. Dannika was slumped over with Raine whispering in her ear.

Colton squeezed her leg. “What happened?”

“Dannika and I shared a vision, but it was like watching events unfold in real time. I’m not sure it was the future. I think it happened just now,” Riley said.

Colton glanced at Dannika’s still form. “Why hasn’t she returned?”

“I don’t know. We were holding hands, conversing inside the vision, but Deruthel sensed her. Or us, I’m not sure.”

Dannika groaned before she sat up in her chair. “Well that sucked ass.”

Raine rubbed Dannika’s back. “What happened? Riley said your vision was connected.”

“We were more than connected. Deruthel called us priestess. He sensed our presence but believed we were one person. I’ve never foreshadowed like that before. I always see the future. Deruthel had a vial of blood and used the demon caller to open a portal for a couple minutes. Dozens of demons came through before it closed.”

Raine swore under his breath.

“He didn’t close the portal? It closed on its own?” Colton asked.

Dannika nodded. “He said the human blood was old. It must have power or it wouldn’t open the portal in the first place, but he didn’t want it closed. He also gave the impression that his blood supply is limited. He’s looking for a vessel, but I don’t know who or what that is.”

Raine rubbed his chin. “It must be the Bokor’s blood.”

Dannika looked up at her mate. “Or my sisters. Hakim could have drained her before he killed her and bottled her blood. He did that with his own so the demons could make the shadow sensitive.”

“Hakim was a bastard. Even in death, he’s taking his revenge.”

Dannika’s lip trembled. “He really killed her.”

Raine grabbed Dannika’s hand. “We haven’t confirmed that Sasha was your sister.”

“If she were a simple human that Hakim attacked, her blood wouldn’t fuel the portal,” Dannika said.

“We can’t jump to conclusions. The Bokor thrived on misconception and chaos. Don’t let him continue his reign of confusion and lies. Darwin and Fallon will ferret out the truth,” Raine said.

Dannika turned to Riley. “Is your gift foreshadowing? It felt different with you there.”

“It’s never been like that before. We were in that cavern and Deruthel sensed us. I think that happened in real time. Does foreshadowing work like that?” Riley asked.

Dannika shook her head. “Not at all. My visions are of events that may or may not happen. That was more like astral projection. There but not there.”

Raine glanced between the women. “Your connection is stronger than we anticipated.” He stood when there was a knock at the door, before moving over to open it.

Breck entered the suite, his eyes hardening when he saw Riley. “My queen. There have been some developments.”

Dannika glanced at Colton before meeting the reapers gaze. “I have asked you repeatedly to call me by name.”

“I am.” Breck said.

Dannika rolled her eyes. “What is it Breck?”

Breck surveyed the room. “There is some derision amongst the reapers. Many want a queen who will restore their immortality.”

Dannika’s eyes flashed as she stood. “That will never happen. I am the queen, and Ferguson is your clan leader. They are well aware of what will happen if they cross either one of us.”

Breck cleared his throat. “Will you even consider an alternative? Feeding on the criminals of human society for example. As Ferguson’s reapers once did.”
