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“No. We are not here to police humanity. Ferguson was extremely careful before he fed on a human. He tracked his prey and witnessed their atrocities before he fed on them. I know for a fact that many of the reaper clan would not be so diligent. How long would it be before they considered stealing a chocolate bar from the convenience store a criminal act?”

“You could come up with rules as to what humans are considered a viable food source. Protocols could be put in place,” Breck said.

Dannika’s eyes narrowed on Breck. “Are you here to report derision in the reaper clan, or to convince me to let you kill again?”


Riley pursed her lips as the air within the small room became oppressive. She could almost taste the deceit.

Breck cleared his throat. “I mean no disrespect Dannika. I am simply reporting the situation with the reaper clan. As always, the decision is yours.”

Dannika looked Breck over slowly. “Are you one of the reapers who would like to prey on human criminals?”

Breck’s eyes flickered with red. “Yes. We have no animal form. We are no longer shadows. While I will attempt to stall any human feeding until you discuss this issue with Ferguson, I suggest you do it soon.”

“I won’t change my mind and neither will Ferguson. There will be no human prey.”

Breck’s jaw ticked. “Please reconsider Dannika. Talk to Ferguson when he returns. The reapers want to help repel the demons, but they need this feeding issue resolved.”

“I will talk to Ferguson, but it won’t be to change feeding protocols. We will discuss ways to make the transition easier.”

Breck shook his head slightly. His lips parted as if he had something more to say on the matter, but thought better of it. “Will you lead us against the demons? As queen, it is your duty, and would reassure the clan.”

Raine hissed. “That isn’t happening, and anyone who opposes Dannika or disregards an order will deal with me.” The anger in his voice surprised everyone in the room. Dannika put her hand on her husband’s arm, restraining him when it appeared he would lash out at the reaper.

Breck held up a hand. “It was not my intention to start an altercation.”

“And yet you just suggested that Dannika be out front in a demon war,” Raine said.

“The reaper clan leader always leads us into battle. It is part of our tradition.”

Raine’s lip curled to expose his fangs. A sign his warrior was barely leashed. “Ferguson is the clan leader. He will lead the reapers when the time comes.”

Breck shook his head. “Dannika is the Queen. Only she can hold the clans together. While the reapers will listen to Ferguson, they will not work in harmony with the other clans unless Dannika leads them.”

“It’s not going to happen, Breck. I suggest you drop it,” Raine said.

Breck’s eyes moved to Dannika. “So, you won’t lead the reapers when it’s time to go to battle with the demons? You won’t allow us to feed properly either. We will be weak and disoriented, but expected to fight for a queen who will not lead us.”

Dannika flinched. “What do you mean weak and disoriented? Ferguson has had minor effects from the change in diet. He’s needed some sleep for the first time in years, but that is a small price to pay for unification. The reapers have a home, they no longer have to hide. They are no longer hunted.”

Breck huffed. “Apparently, Ferguson is only telling you what you want to hear. The younger generation are having a much more difficult time with the change in diet. They are pale and weak. No amount of animal blood will rectify that situation.”

Dannika paled. “Ferguson’s reapers are not having those issues with the change. I didn’t realize it was that bad for those who chose to turn reaper. I will talk to Ferguson as soon as he returns, but I won’t change my mind about feeding. It will be difficult, but it will be worth it in the end.”

Breck’s eyes hardened. “I can’t guarantee the reapers will accept this decision.”

“If they don’t, we will hunt them down like dogs. More than half the reaper clan is loyal to me. To Ferguson. Those that want to fight him, are welcome to.”

Breck nodded. “I will relay your orders and make it known that those who leave are enemies of the shadow clans.”

“You do that,” Dannika snapped.

Breck left without another word, slamming the door behind him.

Riley leaned forward in her chair. “Dannika are you okay?”

The queen nodded. “Just miffed. The reapers want the security of living with the other clans, but still want the right to hunt human criminals. It wouldn’t last. Within months they will have decimated that small percentage of the population and then they’d turn to the innocent.”
