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Riley turned. “I want to talk to my dad. He did years of research on demons, while he believed them based on biblical lore, he may have some information that will help us.”

“That’s a good idea. We have time before the meeting.” His shadow enveloped hers, buffering the magnitude of her pain.

They took a quick stream and were outside the lodge in seconds. A cougar clan member exited the pristine log house, nodding to Colton and Riley, but his face was etched with worry.

The boards on the deck creaked as they walked up the steps and entered the lodge. Daniel was sitting in his favorite chair with a red plaid blanket over his knees. His favorite Bible, with a black leather cover and a red ribbon to hold its place, sat in his lap. His eyes were closed and his head was propped against the headrest. His face was paler than it had been the last time they were there, and his skin looked thinner. The black veins beneath made his skin appear translucent.

Riley went to his side, kneeling by the chair. “Dad.”

Daniel opened his eyes, smiling at his daughter. “Riley, honey, I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Dad, you look weak. Have you been feeding?”

Daniel sighed. “I fed on a dying Fawn once, but I found the experience traumatizing.”

“You need to feed dad. I know between me, you and Dannika we are decimating the old and weak animals in the forest. Ferguson threatened to start injuring them if Dannika stops feeding, but she forbade it.”

“Ferguson would not harm an animal, or leave it in pain even to feed you or Dannika.”

Riley’s eyes narrowed on her father. “How do you know so much about him?”

“He began visiting me at the church once I took over for the former priest. I assumed he’d been coming there before, but later I learned that wasn’t the case.”

“He initiated a relationship with you, of all people? Of all the priests?” she asked.

Daniel smiled. “You’re suspicious of his choices, there is reason to be, but not his loyalty. He will die for you. He will die for Dannika.”

“You know who he is. About his origins?”

“Yes, but that information was bestowed during confession. There is no circumstance in which I can betray him or god.”

“You don’t have to. If you trust him, that’s enough.” She put her hand on her father’s. His skin was cool with the consistency of rice paper. “Dad, you need to feed.”

“I know. I am too weak to travel. Luke has gone to find me an injured animal. It may take some time, but I will feed before the end of the night.”

“Thank you for doing this, for me. I know it’s hard.”

Daniel winked at his daughter. “You know there’s nothing I won’t do for you.”

“I know. And I’m glad you have Ferguson as a friend. He seems to care about you.”

Daniel glanced out the window to the swaying trees. “His soul is pure, but he’s lost in the way of the shadows. He looks for redemption for events beyond his control.”

The sadness in his voice made Riley wary. “He is rehabilitating, though, right?”

Daniel nodded. “He only feeds on animal blood, but it isn’t the criminals he killed that haunt him.”

“What haunts him? Maybe there is some way we can help. Can you tell me?” she asked.

“He has not kept that aspect of his life a secret. He was used, forced into reaper life. His shame is believing it’s his fault, that he should have been strong enough to stop it, or end his life.”

Reilly’s heart clenched. She knew that feeling. For months, years after her attack, she second-guessed herself. She looked for ways it could have been avoided. Had she taken a different and more direct route home… or wore something less revealing than her tracksuit. “I understand. It’s like a rape victim blaming herself for being at a bar or wearing a tight-fitting dress. The onus is never on the victim but the doubts...”

Daniel ran a finger along her cheek. “You know them well.”

There was no lying to her father. He’d been there to help her pick up the pieces of her life when she struggled to go outside. “I do, but I was lucky enough to have you.”

Daniel smiled. “You are as beautiful as Allie and as intelligent as Cami.”
