Page 49 of Tearing the Sky

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She looked at his sibling. “Yavor left these for me to make sure that nothing happened while he was out. His mark is on my neck, and another is below my navel. You don’t even want to know what colour my sex is. I was the same colour as my sibling. Now I am not. And Madame and Ally are in the other city to stop their poison from spreading here.”

He looked at his groaning sibling, and fury filled his features.

Iris aimed again. “Uh-oh.”

Shadows lifted the Hmrain up and slammed him to the ground. More tendrils were around the one on the ground.

Iris smiled, and Lily gasped. “Hey, Arluth.”

“Lady Iris. Lily. Are you both well?”

Iris collapsed her weapons. “We are. Someone called you?”

Arluth hauled these two males together, and a whistle preceded a set of metal ties that dropped from the sky. The shadow of the guard was swift.

Arluth tied them up with their hands behind them and said to Lily, “He has a burn on his chest. Assess him.”

Lily grinned and rushed toward him.

She prodded the wound and pulled a small med unit from her bag, and she was examining him when the shocked Hmrain said, “You smell like the shadow.”

Lily grinned. “Yup.”

“You are his.”

“He is mine, but yup.”

The young male groaned. “We were set up. You are with the shadow, and she is genuinely the compatible companion.”

Lily murmured where Iris couldn’t hear her, and the Hmrain got pale.

“So, we were deceived.”

“In human terms, you got played.”

Iris chuckled. “Their trip to the bond station is next week.”

The one Arluth was growling at hissed. “They tried to get us killed.”

Iris nodded. “Yes. They did.”

The city guards showed up and looked at the Hmrain on the ground.

Iris sighed. “Bring them to the manor, please, Arluth. I don’t want them freaking out the general population.”

“Yes, Lady.”

They formed a strange parade back to the manor, and the city guards walked them to the door, and she settled them in the visitor room. After getting assurance that they would behave, they were unbound, and snacks and beverages were served.

“Uh, Lady, why are we here?”

“Well, I thought Yavor would like to have a nice chat with you in a more private setting. The staff are watching closely and will keep the city folk informed.”

They looked at each other, their leathery wings rustling. “Lady, he won’t be home for days.”

She heard a distant avian shriek. “I think he took the express home.”

The refreshments were served, and a furious Yavor came down from the upper level. “Mako, Hellon, what the hell did you do to my mate?”
