Page 5 of Tearing the Sky

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The women flinched but nodded.

Yavor smiled and spoke to the medics before he kissed Irith’s forehead. She may have been a flower on her world, but she was a fledgling now. His Irith.

The storm was over, and he had work to do to build his new world. He needed to get going so he could return and draw up a companion contract with Irith.

He hadn’t been this excited in decades.

Chapter Two

Iris came awake with a jolt, and Lily’s voice was calm. “Easy, sis. You are alive, you are healthy, and you are on Avor.”

“Avor. Bad wind, nice city. Right.” Iris leaned back, then looked down. “What am I wearing?”

“Bondservant wear. Stylish, right?” Lily smiled and got up and twirled.

The tunic wrap went to the knees. Tight leggings were under it, with the fabric clinging to Lily as she moved.


“Breast bands and a g-string and wrap combo for panties.”


A doctor walked up with a smile. “Miss Irith, you are cleared to resume your orientation. Your sibling has been here every day this week, reading and taking care of you.”

Iris looked at the male with pale blue skin and light markings, and she chuckled. “Iris. The last sound is a sibilant.”

He chuckled. “According to the overseer, your name is now Irith.”

Lily smiled. “It means fledgeling in Vor.”

Iris sighed. “Right. I should get used to that, then. I can go now?”

He nodded. “Come back anytime. The overseer has declared you a priority case.”

Iris put her feet over the edge of the bed, and Lily helped her get to her feet. She swayed but felt different. Lighter. “I was out for a week? What happened?”

“You passed out when the overseer rescued you. He had them scan you from top to bottom and found some old breaks that weren’t set. They fixed them. You also have two inches of hair, so now you look like one of the storm riders.”

“The storm riders?”

“Yeah, the women who fly the giant birds. You remember.”

“Oh. Right. They were in the briefing.”

“Right. Come on, it’s a great day out.” Lily opened the door.

Iris inhaled the scent of the alien world. Spices, food cooking, livestock, and green and growing scents all assailed her. There was the tinge of animals and fuel.

Iris straightened and walked next to her sister. “Have you chosen your bond yet?”

Lily smiled. “I have. I am going into medicine. Again. Seeing those medics working on you made me wish I could help you myself but my current skills don’t cover this equipment. My studies will start after you are settled.”

She felt a pang of guilt. “You have been holding back for me?”

“It has only been a week. It has also let me learn about the city and find my way around.”

“Right, little sis. So, where are we going?”
