Page 6 of Tearing the Sky

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“The bond house. That is where we live until you get your assessments and assignment to your position. The bond agreement has to work both ways. Remember that.”

Iris glanced at her sibling. “What are you saying?”

“All that I am allowed to unless I want to get kicked off Avor like Madam and Ally did.”

“They what?”

“Oh, yeah. Ally was telling the locals that she was the companion, and Madame was backing her up. Technically they aren’t off-world yet, but they are on the next shuttle back to a bond auction. They won’t interfere with you.”

“Interfere with? What would they have to do with me now that they can cause havoc here?” Iris looked around as they walked between buildings.

Shadows cruised overhead, and Lily chuckled. “The guard is back. They go out and hunt for most of the meat this settlement consumes.”

Iris nodded. “That was in the file.”

“I am guessing you were the only one that read it.” Lily hugged her suddenly. “I was really worried about you.”

Iris hugged her back. “Never worry about me. You know the rules.”

“I grew up a lot during this, so now I can worry about you. You do a lot of stupid shit, Iris.”

Iris laughed, and they separated. “Yeah, you did grow up at some point. I should have been paying closer attention.”

“You should have, but I now have a whole week of experience here, and I am going to show you what is what and introduce you to the bond placement director.”

“Oh. Nice. I can walk now. I have gotten my legs back and am feeling better. We can move faster.”

“Things here move at their own pace. There are fourteen species here that support and are compatible with the Vor. We are the most recent. There have been two other bond transports from Earth, each with fifty people. We were brought in because... uh...”

“We were all girls in a contained group.”

“Yup. And a large quantity of a specific age.”

“All of breeding age.”

“Right. Wait. You knew that we were mail-order brides?” Lily was shocked.

“Of course. If you read the Hmrain details on our shipping manifest, it was right there. All of us were in a mate classification for a variety of species.” She nudged her sister. “If we want any part of Terra to survive after we are gone, it is going to be in our genes.”

“Yeah, but why weren’t you companion class?”

“I got into a fight that day. They assessed me as physically compatible with the Vor, and I completed the set.”

Lily looked at her. “You are really calm about this.”

“Of course, I am. Yavor isn’t here today.”

“How do you know that?”

Iris shrugged. “The air kind of hums when he’s there. The city hums.”

Lily blinked. “Wow. Okay. It’s down here and to the left.”

Iris looked at the signage that stated it was a bond-training house. “That looks like it.”

“I keep forgetting that you had the language installed.”

“I had everything installed. My bond debt is huge.”
