Page 52 of Make It Burn

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“Nah, you kids have fun. I need to go over some of my notes and I’m meeting up with my dad later downtown.” He sits back in his chair.

“I’m coming,” I say before I think. Because a party with George means the whole gang of outlaws is going to be there.

“Sweet. Meet us out front?” His British accent makes me smile.

“Sure,” I say, watching him walk away.

“Squirrel?” Dad asks. I stand and shrug on my leather jacket before giving him a kiss on his forehead.

“I know, Dad. I’ll behave.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about, hon. I see the way you look at each other when you think no one is paying attention.”

Tapping my hands on the doorframe, I turn around. “I know, Dad.” I give him a reassuring smile. “Nothing is going to happen.”

I follow the guys to a house on the outskirts of town. I park my car next to Evan’s truck, already standing in the driveway of the 1970s-style bungalow. I have been here before. I know the old owner; she rented out this house for parties and bands.

“Nice digs,” I tell Sterling, ignoring Rone who’s taking the last drag from his cigarette on the front porch.

Sterling smirks. “Been here before, haven’t you?”

“Once or twice,” I admit, shrugging. “The boys all here?”

I see the look in Rone’s eyes change.

Sterling nods, beaming up at the beautiful house. “I’m glad you’re here for our little get-together. We’re finally putting down some roots.”

What the hell? Does that mean they are planning on making Nashville their permanent home base? I open my mouth to ask him just that when Sterling says, “My girl is moving here, so I wanted to surprise her.”

“Congratulations.” I beam, hugging him tight.

“Thanks, Allie,” he says, letting me go. “She’s on tour in Australia and New Zealand right now. You’ll meet her when she’s back in a couple of months.”

Rone doesn’t say anything as I follow Sterling into the house.

Inside, the place looks even better now Sterling is living here. It’s finely decorated with local artists’ work on the walls. An old jukebox is in the corner next to a big-ass couch.

The house has a fireplace and a stainless-steel open kitchen. Sliding glass doors lead to a big porch and a swimming pool.

I see Evan handling the barbeque and Frankie sitting on a chair talking to him, making Evan grin. When they spot me, they wave. I laugh out loud reading ‘grill queen’ printed in pink letters on the front of Evan’s apron.

Axl is lounging on the couch, discussing something with Gunner. When they see me, their faces light up.

“Hey, guys,” I say, walking toward them.

“Hi, darling,” Axl drawls, while I lean against the headrest.

“You guys doing okay?” I look between my brothers.

Gunner holds up his beer. “Chilling and catching up. Man, can’t believe Grandpa is actually moving, I thought he was just talking shit.”

“End of an era,” I say, taking a sip from Axl’s beer before handing it back to him.

Turning my gaze, my eyes travel over Navarone’s broad back to his perfect ass in those blue jeans, and I try not to drool. Our cousins, Mason, Noah, and Jimmy, are throwing a football with their younger brother, Wyatt, in the garden.

“Austin is having fun.” I point my chin toward him as he jumps into the pool, the water splashing everywhere. He starts taking laps in the water, only stopping when Paulie sits down, feet dangling in, and hands him a beer. His poor eye is still a little yellow around the edges from his fight.

Denver flips the chair next to Frankie around and straddles it, slapping him on the back in greeting and joining in the conversation. Rone is hanging back talking to George, while he looks my way and I pretend not to notice him staring.

Standing, I walk over to the jukebox, scanning the songs in there. Without thinking it through, I press play when I spot a song reminding me of a night that set in motion a chain of events that changed not only my life, but Navarone’s, and everyone’s around us as well.
