Page 71 of Make It Burn

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Licking his lips, he moves up as if to kiss me, stopping to take the hardened tip of one of my breasts between his teeth. I groan when his wet mouth encircles my nipple. He travels north, licking a path along my neck until his lips are an inch away from my own. My hands tighten in his hair as I draw him to me, pressing my hot, wet center into his stomach.

He pulls back like he is now registering the phone call. “Fuck, did you just talk to Gunner?” His cheeks turn pink.

My hands caress his face. “This is the first time I’ve seen you blush.”

“Babe, thinking about you makes me blush on a daily basis. But having to face your dad, brothers, and our friends is going to be a shit show of epic proportions.”

I watch him sprint out of bed, and my head falls back as I laugh.

“Fuck!” he shouts, grabbing his shirt and puts it on. He jumps into his boxers, leaving me alone on the bed while he goes around picking up my stuff.

“Here,” he grunts, handing me my underwear.

“Babe,” I say, reaching out. I try to hold in a chuckle while he paces around with his hands in his hair, pulling on it as he walks. He looks so cute and I tell him.

He gives me a tight smile. “Allie, this is serious. They are going to beat the living shit out of me.”

I start to laugh.

“This is not funny,” he says, his voice gruff.

Biting on my bottom lip, I watch him continue to move around the room.

“I love you, but fuck, I’m so screwed.” He sighs, his hands in the air.

Two days later—Colt family home, Nashville

“What the actual fuck!” I swear staring at the two lines that appear on the drugstore pregnancy test I bought. I should have gotten my period days ago, when that didn’t happen I convinced myself I needed to buy a test in Nashville to be sure. I slump to the floor of Dad’s tiny bathroom and rest my head against my knees. Damn it, I’ve sat through every safe sex talk Jack submitted the three of us to, sometimes he even brought out statistics and picture books on pregnancy, to scare the living shit out of us. I should never have let Navarone fuck me without a condom for the first time, he didn’t even come inside me for fuck’s sake.

Letting out a couple swearwords, Rone’s deep laugh rumbles through the door. “Babe you okay in there? I’ve never heard that many fuck’s leave your pretty mouth?”

“Give me a sec,” I tell him, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment, I stand and grab the test and put it back in the carton box and drop it in my bag. Staring at my reflection in the tiny mirror, I fix my hair before opening the bathroom door.

“What is going on?” he asks, resting his shoulder against the doorframe.

“Nothing,” I mutter not looking at him. I shrug on my leather jacket and grab my purse. It’s going to be okay, I’m married to the love of my life, and we, we what? We haven’t even made a decision about going on tour with Regulator. I’m fucking eighteen, I don’t have a job, we don’t have a place to live. We can’t stay with my Dad. What the hell do I know about being a mom, I think caressing my stomach.

“Fuck,” I whisper. I sway and he grabs my shoulders steadying me.

“You sure you’re okay? You look kind of pale,” he says concerned.

I shrug his hand off me. “Let’s just get to the studio,” I say, opening the door.

“Can’t fucking wait,” he drawls, pushing his sunglasses up his nose. “Your dad and brothers are going to kill my ass.”

“Sure you’re ready for this?” I ask Rone, holding onto his arm.

He takes a shuddering breath while the blood drains from his face. “Ready as I’ll ever be for my own funeral.”

I giggle, trying to ignore my racing heart. “It’s not going to be all bad. They love you. They won’t kill you, only beat you up a little,” I say, grabbing his face and mashing my lips to his before dragging him toward the studio.

He grimaces. “I’d rather be dead. And you’re enjoying this way too much,” he mutters, while I pull him along before opening the door to the firing squad waiting for him inside.

“Hi, Dad,” I say, when we enter holding hands.

The smile on Gunner’s face is pure evil. If there is one person enjoying this, it is him. Frankie and Austin both take a step back, giving me a small wave and reassuring smiles. I miss Evan who is still at Fort Bragg. He is always the calm in the storm. Axl looks pissed. That leaves Dad, who gets down from the ladder he’s been standing on.

“Sir, I—” Rone begins, but Dad holds up his hand, walking over to my husband.
