Page 19 of Thirst

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My dick has been hard since the moment Derick gave her my file. The fucker was easy to convince when I gave him an untraceable bank account in the Caymans. I spent the last ten years trying to find the woman who got close to me and put a crack in my heart. The only one who got my cock hard as steel. I picked up her scent once in Paris, but she vanished just as quickly as I found her. I killed Jonathan a year ago and she resurfaced. When she moved back to her hometown, I thought I struck gold. I got Vasily to hack into her computer and phone, and got a name, Ignatius James. If I find out she’s gotten married, I’m going to kill the son of a bitch.

I press my forehead to hers, her different colored eyes meeting mine. The fear in them almost makes me come in my slacks. I slide my fingers through her curly hair, watching it bounce, and she groans. I know she must be in pain; she has been tugging on her restraints since the moment I tied her up. But I can’t risk her getting loose and pummeling my ass. The woman is highly skilled. She could have easily become a killer like me. She’s changed from the lanky kid I fucked all those years ago to the woman lying under me today. Hell, thirteen years is a long time. I love her fuller breasts, the dimples on her legs, and thicker thighs. She’s all curves now and damn my cock loves it as much as my head.

“Who is Iggy?” I repeat the question, venom slicing through my voice.

“No one,” she snarls, thrashing in the sheets.

“Who is he,” I repeat, pressing the cold barrel of my gun against her clit, her pussy swallows the barrel and I grin.

Her eyelids shutter as tears start to fall. I can’t wait till I have my dick inside her. My erection grows painful between us, stabbing into her stomach. I look down and frown, why the hell does she have a horizontal scar there like someone sliced her open. The only one who is going to make her fucking bleed is me, my anger floats to the surface and I want to kill the man who did this to her.

I rock the gun back and forth and she whimpers. “Who did this to you?” I ask, trying to hide the emotion in my voice. I’m going to kill the son of a bitch who hurt her. I’m going to destroy him.

She frowns looking down between us. “What the hell are you talking about?”

I snarl, stand and slam the gun on the table before raking an angry hand through my hair. “I’m the only one who’s gonna make you bleed, remember?”

She tugs on the restraints and the look in her eyes changes while she stares me up and down, her mouth making a little O.

“Jonathan,” she whispers.

I cringe at the name. I spent the last ten years doing the Company’s business. Salvatore was my escape, he is my fucking way out to venture out on my own with my guys. It’s the name my father gave me when I was born in a little town outside of Rome. He took me in and I repaid his kindness by killing my first guy who happened to be on the CIA’s Most Wanted list. Didn’t take them long to draw me into their claws and I became part of Uncle Sam doing their dirty business. I built my name from nothing, The Sentinel family being a front for my enterprise, and now I’m coming to collect what’s been mine. I’m keeping her. Nothing and no one is going to stand between us. Not her parents, brothers, or any fucking new guy.

“Who the fuck is Iggy, Paxton?”

Tears start to flow for real now. She tugs on the restraints, and she draws blood. “It’s you, it’s you. But you died, Jonathan!”

Fuck, I can’t see her cry and hurt like this.

“I’m not dead.” I want to tell her I’ve been dead inside not having her with me all these years. “If I take off your cuffs, will you swear not to sock me in the face, or put a cap in my ass?” I ask, raising a brow.

She nods, trying to hold back a whimper.

“Okay, you promised, remember?”

She watches me as I take off the cuffs, and the zip ties with my knife. Better to be safe than sorry when restraining her.

Sitting up she grabs her wrists, tears stream down her face, while she pushes her tank top down to my disappointment.

“Better?” I ask, tilting my chin to stare at her nipple piercing.

“Yeah, asshole, better,” she grits out, slapping me hard across the face.

My head whips to the right, and I can taste the blood on my tongue. Turning back to her, I smile. “What was that for? Don’t get me wrong, I liked it,” I say, my voice deep as I waggle my brows.

She grabs the undone sheet and tugs it under her arms obscuring her perky breasts from me.

I pout and tug on the cotton trying to get it off her. My dick is already throbbing and heavy in my slacks. My thickening erection needs to be inside her and soon. I want to touch her more. I want to sink my tongue into her tight cunt. I’m aching all over, I need her.

She swats my hand away, and I frown, tearing it from her, ripping the sheets apart, “I want to look at you.”

“I hate you,” she whispers, looking into my eyes.

“Why?” Something slices through my chest I haven’t felt before.

“Because each day I stare into your eyes when I look at the man I love.”
