Page 10 of Just Shred

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“Fuck, you okay?” he asks. Before I can respond, the girl repeats his name in a sultry ‘I’ll suck your dick’ kind of way.

He ignores her and instead keeps his gaze locked on me.

“Never better,” I murmur, trying to open the bindings and failing miserably with my fingers trembling from the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The gorgeous girl carrying her snowboard stops next to us. She laughs, looking at me sitting in the snow. Taking Jesse into her arms, she kisses him. He freezes and softly pushes her away from him.

She laughs. “I thought you wouldn’t be here. Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for practice up on the—”

“Been busy,” he cuts her off.

“I saw your likes on my Insta. Not too busy,” she says, smiling a beautiful magazine white smile, her hand moving up and down his arm.

Jesse gives her a shrug in return, brushing an awkward hand through his hair as he takes a step back. “Yeah, I’m going up on the mountain before it all starts, but I had some time off.” Placing his board in the snow in front of mine, he tips it on its side. The girl follows his movement and narrows her eyes at me. If looks could kill… I quickly focus my attention again on my boots.

He glances down at me from the corner of his eyes. “But yeah, been busy lately,” he drawls, a lopsided grin warming his face when he catches my stare. “Saving the park from those with an appetite for destruction.”

I roll my eyes, still struggling with the bindings. Why are my hands trembling like this? I growl in protest.

Jesse snorts, shaking his head. He grins, probably because I’m still in mortal combat with the strap thingies. Oh no, well, excuse me, snowboard guy—bindings. This should be easy, but my hands are sweating like crazy, and I’m shivering a little from the cold.

She looks at me again, scowling because snowboard guy is still laughing at me.

“I’m here visiting the gang. Are your dad and brother around?” she asks.

He glances at me, and I quickly look away. “Somewhere.”

“Great, I’d love to see them. Is Gibb going up as well?” she asks, getting in his line of sight.

“Good, yeah,” he says, not even looking at her, and I’m blushing again.

“Well, you know where I am, the same room as always.”

Nodding, he slides his board to the left and right, balancing on his right foot.

She goes on, “And of course, I’ll see you next week. I’m doing some promo. You know, being an influencer is really hard.”

He grunts, not saying anything. Opening one binding, I sigh with relief.

“I’ll be busy with some modeling stuff, but come and find me when you’re done, Jesse.”

He nods again, not saying anything. Great, she’s a model, and I can maybe make it as far as the extra in the L.L. Bean catalogue who gets eaten by a bear. My phone buzzes, and I scan Shane’s text, canceling on me yet again for tomorrow.

The model grabs her board, and with another flutter of her eyelashes and a kiss on his cheek, she struts away, swaying her perfect butt from left to right.

I quickly look down, focusing on my boots again. “Yes, thank fuck,” I yell.

He grins. “What?”

“Look,” I tell him, pointing to my boots, which are now binding free.

He starts to slow clap. “I think the Olympic gold medal for slowest binding opening goes to—” he says, motioning to me with both his hands.

I give him my best evil smile, and it only seems to conjure a bigger one on his lips. I flip him off in return.

I stand as he opens his bindings in a couple of seconds. He steps on my board when it tries to run away from me again. I really don’t blame it; I would run too.

“Well,” I say awkwardly, “thank you for helping me.” I hold out my hand. He takes mine while I pick up the board and struggle to hold it the right way.
