Page 53 of Down to One

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Katie giggled, delighted at the effect she’d never even dreamed of having on a man like him, and even that small vibration had his eyes widening in trepidation. It wasn’t enough to stop her, though. He felt too good. Too right. Her hair hung around them, creating an intimate cave for her to drop kisses all over his cheeks and neck while inhaling his perfectly masculine scent. She pumped her hips again, unable to stop herself.

"Katie..." he warned, then his eyes rolled back and he dropped his head against the headboard.

She could only go harder and faster. "I’m sorry, Landon, I can’t stop. I want to come bad."

Then she swirled her tongue with his, he gave it a suckle, and that was it for Katie. That tiny intimate move took her over the edge, her pussy contracting in an orgasm that enveloped her like a warm blanket. She dug her face into the spot where his neck and shoulder met and grinded deeper into his lap, dragging out the most pleasurable sensation she’d ever been granted by the universe.

She sat straddling him like that for awhile, head dropped against his shoulder, his fingers drifting across the small of her back while her pulse calmed and her inhales lengthened. Until she finally lifted her head and lost control of her breath all over again.

Landon was looking back at her with hooded eyes, a tiny smile playing at his lips as he tucked a strand of hair back from her face. Somehow, someway, she’d managed to enchant him, and as long as she lived, Katie doubted any man would ever look at her like that again.

chapter 22

Katie ordered pizza and she and Landon shared a quick and clumsy shower in her tiny bathroom. They ate right from the boxes in the middle of the bed, Landon in nothing but his boxer briefs and Katie in the black satin pajamas she’d worn during their phone sex. His request.

The afternoon drizzles turned into a full on thunderstorm that played like background music while they watchedSeinfeldreruns andDazed and Confusedon her bed, sharing silly stories and a full row of Oreos between them. Well after dark, she came back from brushing her teeth, and he hadBull Durhamqueued up on Netflix.

"It’s kind of late, are you sure you can stay up for another movie?" Katie asked. "You have to catch a plane to Texas."

"Plane doesn’t leave until noon. It’s all good, baby."

So they watched the movie. Or started it rather, because they didn’t get past Kevin Costner’s "I believe" speech before Landon turned on her with a hungry look, pulled her to the center of the bed, and started undoing her top. When the satin fabric hung open, he gave each nipple a gentle tweak, but his attention quickly focused elsewhere.

Katie knew exactly where he was headed and she squirmed in that delicious mix of nervousness and anticipation as he slid her shorts and panties off in one smooth tug. His mouth pressed against her stomach, then he looked up at her with those sexy blue eyes and said, "You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do this."

Then Landon Ryan proceeded to show her just how talented he really was. His hands eased her thighs apart and his tongue lingered down each thigh before it darted out to touch her clit, once, then twice, then three times in a row, teasing her with the wet sensation. Like always, he knew just what to do. Just how to keep her right on the edge, then ease her back down, before building her up yet again. He moved effortlessly between sweet little licks of his tongue and long, warm swipes that Katie thought she’d never get enough of. When she finally came, it was quick and hard, her hands knotted in his hair, his stubble scraping against her inner thighs.

She hadn’t even quit throbbing when he moved up to cover her body and her mouth with his own. Katie delighted in the taste of herself on his lips, aroused by something she didn’t even know could be a turn on for her.

"I need to be inside you so bad. Please, baby, can I make love to you?" he pleaded.

"Landon, don’t call it that," she murmured, but of course she opened up for him.

When he’d worked all the way in, they rocked together in that instinctual sway that kept every possible inch of their bodies touching. Her orgasm from his tongue had never trulyended and this only dragged it out, the overdose of pleasure lulling Katie into a deep trance. She was so far under, she was only vaguely aware of Landon tensing and moaning, and it wasn’t until his thrusts came slower and softer that she realized it was almost over.

Down to one. Down to one.She repeated Landon’s mantra in her head, squeezing her eyes shut to make a memory out of this moment. All the fretting and worrying about Lori and the paparazzi and her job and baseball groupies and broken hearts—it all led to this moment where absolutely none of that mattered. They would matter again, and very soon, but for this memory she gripped him to her like a security blanket for what she knew in her heart would be the final time.

When Landon pulled out of her and rolled away, every fiber of Katie’s being wanted to reach out and pull him back on top of her. Stroke him until he was hard enough to put back inside her. Ride him if he was too tired to do the work. Anything to get that connection back.

Instead, she accepted his offer of an outstretched arm and curled up on his chest and they laid there for a long while, until Landon’s eyes closed and his breaths slowed. Katie’s stayed open, blinking into the darkness.

"Quit thinking," he mumbled, voice groggy with sleep.

"What? How did you—"

She lifted her head, but Landon’s hand pressed her back down into his chest. "Shhhhh. G’night, baby."

The steady beating of his heart soothed her. Quieted her thoughts. But there was still one thing she had to know.

"Do you call everyone baby?" she asked, unsure if he was even awake to hear.

His response came without hesitation. "Not anymore, baby. Not anymore."

SUBJECT:Katherine Marie Masterson

RESIDENCE INFORMATION:Subject resides in a three story apartment building located at 1502 W. Riverdale St., Apt. 333. There are no security measures to enter the premises. Residence is a studio apartment, located on the west side of the building with one window facing the parking lot. Entrance to the unit is on the exterior. Parking lot is well lit; there are no cameras or other visible security measures. Subject’s apartment is located approximately 30 feet from the elevator with occupied apartments adjacent on both sides.

VEHICLE INFORMATION:Subject is the owner of a white 2013 Honda Accord with the license plate number KLX-828. There are no other known vehicles registered to Subject in the state.
