Page 80 of Evolve

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Maddox settles me in the backseat and I immediately feel his loss. He reluctantly backs up and closes the door softly. My body curls in on itself against my will and I drop to my side on the seat. My knees automatically tuck into my chest, my arms wrapping around them to pull tighter. Thoughts of what Stone said in the elevator cross through my mind. He was right I guess.

Sitting alone in a silent car makes the memories, the words in my head, that much louder. I feel a whimper escape me as the shaking turns into full-blown tremors.

I hear a door open and close seconds before strong arms envelop me, lifting me off the seat and tugging me into a warm, hard chest.

Pepper, sage, cedarwood. Nyxon.

I instinctively curl deeper into him, knowing that no matter what has happened between us, he has me.

“Your skin is freezing, Isabella. Fuck, how can I help you?” he chokes out, sounding tortured. It makes no sense. He doesn’t care enough for that. The thought sends pain through my already damaged and weeping soul, making me cry out. He squeezes harder. “We have you, baby. What do you need?” He asks the question again and this time, I have an answer.

“Tighter,” I murmur, snuggling deeper into his hold. Nyx immediately responds by squeezing my body like an anaconda with its prey. It helps a fraction. More so than anything else so far. It makes me think of Stone and the ropes or even the fucking saran wrap. It makes me think of his playroom and how at peace I felt there. “Stone,” I breathe. “I need Stone.”

Nyxon stiffens under me and huffs out an irritated sound that I don’t understand before relaxing once again. “He’s not here today. He’s in Napa. Do you want us to call him?”

If I can’t have him, his room is the next best thing.

“Playroom.” I’m only able to get out singular hushed words and I’m hoping that he understands because I really don’t think I get out much more.

Nyx sucks in a sharp breath, his hold on me clenching, before grunting some sort of sound in acknowledgment.

The back door opens and both Gage and Maddox dart their heads into the opening. “Anything?” Gage mumbles, his fierce emerald eyes locked on me with so much emotion, my stomach tingles.

“She wants to go to Stone’s room at the gym,” Nyx says, a hint of anger in his voice that I once again don’t understand. Am I not allowed in his room? Maybe it was only a one-time thing. Maybe he was expecting sex that night and that’s the only reason I was invited there. Is it a secret room? Do the guys know about what almost happened with me and Stone the other night? “Hey, hey, it’s okay. If you want to go there, it’s fine. We’ll go right now.” Nyx reassures, shifting me so my head is in the crook of his neck as he begins to rub soothing strokes up and down my spine.

“I’ll follow you there, baby girl. See you in ten,” Maddox says softly before leaning down past Nyx and pressing a kiss to my forehead, not even giving any notice to the growl the big ape lets out at his proximity. “You keep making that noise and I’ll kiss you next,” Maddox says with a lopsided grin at Nyxon who just rolls his eyes.

The door closes softly before the front one opens and Gage slides in. He looks at me in the rearview mirror, his face saying all the things his mouth can't.

“You sure that’s where you want to go?” Nyx whispers, his breath fanning over my face.

I nod and close my eyes, digging in deeper and enjoying his arms around me while I have them. Who knows how long it will last until he’s dismissing my existence once again.


“Whatandthefuckhappened?” Gage barks the moment the door to Stone’s soundproof sex dungeon closes. Ella is tucked away in there, curled up on the bondage table like it’s some sort of luxury fucking memory foam bed instead of a hard-as-shit torture device.

“For the hundredth time, I don’t fucking know!” Madd growls as he paces back and forth in Stones’ office. He’s running his hands through his hair repeatedly which is his tell. He’s losing his shit, and not in a good, normal kind of way either. “Everything was fine. She was happy, things were good. She walked into her work and literally froze not even five steps in. I watched her for a minute to see what she would do. I thought maybe she was talking to a customer or something. But then she just fucking dropped, man.”

“Dropped,” Gage states, his hard eyes on his brother.

“Like a boulder.”

Gage shakes his head and lets out another sound of frustration. Emotions are high in this room right now. Three powerful men who are used to being in control, handling whatever shit is thrown at us, having answers, all sitting on our asses unable to do shit for her. For the girl who seems to have all three of us by the balls.

The door bursts open and a frantic-looking Stone storms into the room. “Where the fuck is she?” he shouts at a volume I’m not sure I even knew our reserved, monotone brother possessed.

Scratch that.Fourmen who she has by the balls.

Silence meets his demand as we wait for him to calm down. Gritting his teeth he looks around the room, obviously noting her absence and probably the fact that the three of us wouldn’t be far from her. He relaxes a fraction and sighs.

“How did you get here so quickly? It’s been like thirty fuckin minutes,” I grunt knowing damn well Napa is at least an hour away.

Stone just shrugs as he closes the door and sets down his bag with his laptop and tech shit in it. “Where is she?” he repeats.

Gage jerks his head in the direction of the room she’s in and something that looks like understanding flashes across Stone’s face.

It pisses me off.
