Page 76 of Rough Love

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I am a motherfucking wolf in sheep’s clothing that he’s unknowingly leading straight into the hen’s house.



What happened?

Peeling my heavy eyelids open takes far more effort than it should. Heavy, inky darkness surrounds me and if it weren’t for the very noticeable pounding in my head, I’d think I was dead. I blink rapidly to clear the haze that’s attempting to pull me under again. My hand twitches beneath me and the sound of rustling leaves has my awareness slamming into me with a vengeance.


The park.

I was supposed to meet Matteo here, but the fucker stood me up. He probably got too drunk last night and wound up with some poor, unfortunate woman in his bed.

Groaning, I roll onto my back as the feeling in my numb limbs starts to trickle in. It feels like millions of pinpricks all over my body.

Shit. That hurts.

Looking above me, I find the cause of darkness. I’m under a dense cover of trees. Why am I out here? The last thing I remember is getting a text from Eli that he needed to talk to me before Violet came back to the penthouse tonight.

Oh fuck.

Shooting upright, my eyes rapidly scan my surroundings.

Violet. I was with Violet. I chased her…. fucked her in the dirt like some sort of rabid animal. And then…shit…I left her when Matteo called. I only stepped a few feet away to answer the phone.

What the fuck happened?

As if to remind me, the sharp sting on the back of my neck rears up again. My wobbly hand flies to inspect the wound, looking for what? Blood? Was I shot? I find nothing but a tiny burning lump.

A tranquilizer.

Oh fuck! No, no, no.

I force my shaking limbs to work as I slowly climb to my feet with all the grace of a newly born deer. I stumble around aimlessly, looking for any sight of my girl but quickly come up empty-handed.

“Violet!” I bark out, my voice raspy. My throat burns as though I’ve been screaming, but that makes no sense. I ignore the pain and call for her again, and again.


I shove the panic cleaving at my insides down. Deep, deep, down. Adapting that empty, unaffected mask that I’ve been forced to wear since I was a child once more.

As soon as I find some semblance of calm, I pull my phone out and use its flashlight to search for any trace of her.

Her bag.

I run over, my legs operating more efficiently now that adrenaline is pushing the drugs out of my system. Bending down, I take in the remnants ofher,ofViolet. Her bag is spilled, and the strap is torn. While that may have happened when she tripped, or hell, even when I fucked her, it looks like…

It looks like there was a struggle.

Please tell me you have your phone, baby. Please, please, please.

But she doesn’t. It’s here. Everything is here. Her house keys, the keys to the coffee shop I know she owns, her wallet. My hands skim over the ground, blindly searching for anything else. Any sign or beacon that will point me in her direction. Anything to lead me to her.


Flipping my phone over, I stay in my crouched position as a wave of dizziness washes over me again. What did they give me? Who was it? What would they want with Violet? If it was the men who’ve been after us, surely, they would have just killed me, right? They had me right where they wanted me. Unsuspecting and distracted. I never would have seen it coming.
