Page 163 of A Lie in Church

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I gasped when I saw the person staring at me in the mirror. The left side of my face was covered in bruises and small cuts, which had Band-Aids over it. Had the lamp broken on my face?

I shook my head, inhaling deeply. It wasn’t his fault.

I rinsed my mouth and returned to the room. I wanted to make a call, but I didn’t have my phone.

Adrian and Karen arrived with takeout. I sat up in bed and watched them set everything in front of me.

“Bon appetit.” Karen grinned and stepped back.

I stared at the food in front of me and looked back at them.

“What’s wrong? You don’t like it?” Adrian asked.

“Or do you want me to feed you?” Karen asked.

They both looked confused.

“Where is Tristan? And don’t lie to me,” I demanded.

“He is okay. He’s somewhere safe.”

“Somewhere safe? Where?”

He glanced at Karen, as if he needed her permission before he could tell me.

“He was taken to the rehab.”

“What? Are you sure he—”

“We can talk about this later. Now, eat,” he cut in with a serious tone.

I ate the food with no real appetite. Karen packed everything when I was done. I turned my attention to Adrian when she was done.

“He is receiving treatment. He will be fine,” he told me. “He didn’t mean to hurt you; when he realized what he had done, he went crazy. He called for help. He is really sorry for what happened.”

“Well, I hope he gets better,” I said.

“He will.” Adrian smiled.

“Can I speak to him? I want him to know I don’t blame him for what happened.”

“I will tell him,” he said instead.

“Is he far away?”

“He is receiving help. That’s all that matters. Focus on getting better,” he said, trying to avoid more questions.

“How long have I been out?”

“A few hours,” Karen replied.

“Thanks for coming,” I told them.

“We’ll always be here for you, Chloe,” Karen said sweetly.

“Sorry we have to leave, but we’ll be back in the evening,” Adrian said.

“It’s okay.”
