Page 186 of A Lie in Church

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One more to add to my list of crazy exes, I guessed. At least, Dominiano had been straight about what he would do to me, but Tristan … he was truly a snake, sucking me dry every time I felt refreshed.



“Wow, I was brought here as a distraction?”I said and laughed, moving closer to Tristan.

I ignored his intimidating height and looked him in the eye. I saw the pain in his eyes as he met my gaze, but it didn’t change the pure hatred surging through me.

“I wanted to tell you. I was scared you would leave,” he said and tried to avoid my eyes.

“You wanted to tell me? That I was distraction? When, Tristan? When?!”

I pushed at his chest, harder with each subsequent question. He didn’t budge. I pulled away and broke down. I had never felt so worthless and heartbroken in my life. The feeling was worse than being disowned by my family. I had given my heart to him, and all he had done was spit it into the sewers.

Had he thought of Fiona when he was inside me? I wanted to throw up.

“Why?” I sobbed, grabbing my hair in my fists.

I felt like I was going crazy. Nothing was making sense. I felt used. I felt like an idiot.

My cry filled the house. I didn’t care if they were all watching me. My life meant nothing to them. They probably saw me as an experiment to help Tristan.

“Chloe …”

I raised a finger, stopping him. I didn’t want to hear more of his lies. All he’d ever done was lie to me. Did he even love me? Or was that another lie to keep me here?

“I hate you! I hate all of you!” Tears rolled down my cheeks.

“That was the reason you never asked about the baby, even when I was not showing,” I said, looking at Mrs. Sanchester and Nana.

They were good actresses, pretending to be worried about my health and that of the baby’s.

“Seems like my job here is done. Let’s see how you overcome losing another important person in your life, Tristan,” Karen said with a satisfied grin. She didn’t struggle with the cops anymore. She glanced at Adrian and winked at him.

There was a long silence in the room after the sound of the sirens faded into the night.

“I wanna hear you say it. Did you ever see me as a distraction?”

“I only—”

“Yes, or no?” I cut in.

“Chloe, I—”

“Answer the damn question!” I snapped.

“Yes, but it—”

“I don’t wanna hear anything else.” I sniffled.

“I never wanted this. I didn’t want you to leave. That was why I lied. I know what we did was very selfish,” Tristan said with a pained tone.

“But you chose me, Tristan. You picked me yourself! You made my life hell!” I screamed at his face. “My family, my boyfriend, my friends—you took everything away! Does my life mean anything to you at all?”

I turned to look at Nana. “Even you, Nana?”

She kept her face down. I’d admired her so much. They’d all known about this. They’d planned this.
