Page 187 of A Lie in Church

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“You guys never cared. His life was far more important to you. You didn’t care about how your lies were going to affect my life. It was all for him. You all disgust me. I can’t even look at you without seeing you all as monsters.”

“We are so sorry. We didn’t know how to tell you.” Mrs. Sanchester said, stepping forward but I moved back.

“We are really sorry, Chloe.” Nana’s voice irked me. She could even kill someone yet remain this sweet.

“Sorry is not going to change anything! It won’t change what people think about me. It won’t heal anything. I lost everything because of his lies, and it was all for this—a distraction?” I sobbed, almost choking on my tears. My head was starting to hurt. I didn’t know which to pay attention to—my head pounding or my heart aching.

I turned to look at Tristan. After everything I had gone through for him, I had forgiven him. I cared so much about him. I loved him, even after seeing the kind of person he was, but what was it to him? A distraction.

He ran both hands through his hair with a groan. He kept his eyes tightly shut. He opened them and stared at my wet face and puffy eyes.

“I didn’t want you to find out this way. I wanted to explain everything to you myself. I know I—”

My hand connected with his cheek, shutting him up. I regretted believing him.

“Hit me all you want. I deserve worse. You’re not a distraction to me anymore!”

I wondered at what point he’d stopped seeing me as a distraction.

“You’re not worth loving and not worth any happiness, Tristan Sanchester. I hope you are well now ’cause I’m done.” I gave each of them a dirty look and headed for the front door.

“Chloe, please wait.” Tristan grabbed my forearm from behind, stopping me.

“Don’t touch me!” I pulled my hand away. “Find another distraction. I’m done, and I hope I never see your face or that of your family again. Don’t even think of coming after me. I can be a psycho too, you know. Stay. Away. From. Me, all of you!” I shot him a glare and walked out of the house. The house that held so many memories, both good and bad.

I’d lost everything to him, just to be his distraction. He had been using me all along. I shook my head as I walked out of the gates.

It was cold outside. My flimsy silk nightgown and flip-flops didn’t help, but I supposed it was a true wake-up call at how cold the world was. I walked down the sidewalk with my arms around myself, not sure of where I was going. No one was outside here. I heard Tristan had bought this part of the town to avoid clingy neighbors and to keep to himself.

I shook his name out of my head and continued my walk. I didn’t know where to go. Should I return to my family? On second thought, I didn’t want to be near my family. They had thrown me out when I needed them. I hadn’t heard from my dad since the day we’d hung out.

I sneezed as the cold entered my body. The cool breeze scattered my hair. I was too busy comforting myself with my hands to arrange it.

I wished someone would drive by and give me a ride. I didn’t care if it was a serial killer or a kidnapper. I wanted to be far away from this part of the town, away from these heartless people who called themselves humans.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I remembered what had just happened. I found myself in crying again. I was glad no one was outside here to hear me cry my heart out. I kept walking with wet and puffy eyes that made my vision blurry.

I got tired and stopped. My limbs felt numb from the cold. I slumped on the ground in heavy sobs. I had never experienced any pain like this. It wasn’t physical. It was the type of pain that ripped me into pieces inside. The type that burned every cell in my body until I wanted to end it. My body and feelings were a canvas for men to scribble on with delight but actually ruin.

I didn’t have a family. I couldn’t return to school because everyone kept staring at me with disgust like I was trash. Maybe I was trash. All my exes had treated me like garbage.

Lies! Lies over and over!

“Ahhhh!” I screamed at the dark sky.

Was God seeing this? I’d heard he didn’t leave the wicked unpunished.

I felt someone sit beside me on the ground. I ignored the familiar scent and kept screaming at the sky.

Adrian sighed heavily next to me. He must be heartbroken after seeing the real Karen.

How does it feel to be used, huh? Not good, right?I wanted to say that to him, but I decided to ignore him.

I looked up at the sky and screamed again, as if some kind of miracle would suddenly happen or that I’d at least feel better but it only made my throat dry.

I stopped and coughed from the tears.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized after a long silence. “For not believing you and not telling you the truth about why he kept you around. I didn’t know Tristan had lied. I’m so sorry.”
