Page 19 of A Lie in Church

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What did I do to her?

“Why now? You promised!”

“Why?” she asked, stepping forward slowly. “Remember I told you I was dating Sofia’s cousin.” I knew where this was going. “He dumped me over the phone immediately after he got the news. According to him, he couldn’t date someone related to the person who made his family a thing for mockery.”

“You didn’t have to go this far!” I snapped.

I didn’t care if she was five years older than me. If she hadn’t said that, I would have gotten a chance to convince Mom.

“He was going to propose, Chloe!” she screamed. “Sofia told me he was going to propose!” she sobbed.

I knew marriage had been her last ticket of escape to be away from my mom’s controlling grasp.

“But then he heard what had happened at the wedding. You just had to steal my happiness like you always do,” she said with pure disdain, like she wouldn’t mind killing me on the spot.

“You really believe I’m pregnant? You saw the test. There was one line. I don’t know how it suddenly turned to two,” I asked softly.

“I don’t know what to believe anymore. You were never who you said you were from the beginning, pretending to be the perfect daughter in front of Mom and Dad when behind their backs, you’re wild and crazy.”

“You’re supposed to have my back and help me through this. Not add more fuel to the fire!” I yelled.

“You did that yourself. I only opened their eyes to the truth. It wasn’t going to stay hidden forever, Chloe,” she retorted.

“They didn’t have to find out this way,” I whimpered.

“Well, now, they know. You’re welcome,” she said, as if I were supposed to thank her for spilling my secrets.

“Don’t do this, Ciara. I’m your little sister, the one who holds on to you tight during thunderstorms and steals your food when you’re not looking,” I reminded her.

My words got to her because she looked away, trying to shake the memories off.


“I have my own life to worry about. I lost my best friend today and now a sister. I was also about to become someone’s fiancée.” She forced the tears down.

“I’m still your sister,” I mumbled. Weakness consumed me, like her words had sucked out my remaining oxygen supply.

“I hope you’re happy.”

She turned to leave, but I held her back.

“Don’t leave me too. Please talk to them.”

“You chose this path right when you turned fourteen.”

“I changed when I met Grey. You know that.”

“I don’t know you!” she said, pulling her hand away.

“Ciara, wait.” She ignored me entered the house, slamming the door.

And she was gone.

I ran to the door and knocked.

“Mom! Dad! Ciara! Please let me in.” I pounded my fists on the door with tears flowing down my cheeks. “It’s not true.”

No one came.
