Page 21 of A Lie in Church

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“Are you really pregnant by Tristan Sanchester?”


I heard her exhale in relief.

“Gracias a Dios. But is it true? The whole love thing?”

“Of course not.”

“I was telling my parents he was lying, but they won’t even listen to me. Are you okay?”

“No, my parents kicked me out.”

She gasped. “Ay Dios mio. No way! They believed that devil? I was kinda convinced at the beginning. Wow, he is good.” I could tell she was eating from the way she spoke. From the sound, I concluded it was her favorite Paqui tortilla chips.

“It’s not that. Ciara told them everything,” I told her. My eyes stung as I replayed my sister’s betrayal. It hurt so much more than any heartbreak I’d experienced.

“That two-facedputa. So, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to his place, so if you hear on the news about the murder of Tristan Sanchester, don’t be shocked. Just make sure you come to my trial and visit me every day in jail.” I saw Morris look back at me with a horrified expression.

“I understand your rage, Chlo, but listen to me. Take a deep breath, exhale, and go get that motherfucker! I’m here if you need backup.”

I smiled for the first time since the shit that had gone down in the church.

“Do you know why he did it?”

“He won’t tell me.” To be honest, a part of me felt relieved and happy that someone believed it was a lie.

“Have you thought of taking a pregnancy test? Maybe go live on the internet and show everyone the result,” she suggested.

“I did, but something weird happened. I’m so confused and frustrated right now. I’m not sure if I’m in my body.” I was tearing up again. My head was tearing apart.

“Lo siento,cariño. What happened?”

I told her about the pregnancy test, and she went silent for a while. I was scared she might believe the whole lie too. There was no way I was carrying a baby. How was that even possible? Was I? The pregnancy test had come out positive, and I didn’t know how.

“What in the Virgin Mary?” she gasped. “Còmo? Have you started drinking again?” she asked.

“No. You know I would never lie to you.”

“Se. I know. You should have bought, like, five different pregnancy tests to test the accuracy.”

“I will figure something out after I’m done with Tristan Sanchester,” I said, mentally assuring myself I could get out of this mess.

“I know I still live with my parents, but if you need anything, please let me know. You could sneak into my room and stay with me without my parents knowing.”

“No, it’s fine.”

“I love you, Chloe. Please don’t go on YouTube. The comments there will lead you to suicide.”

“It’s on YouTube?” My heart stopped beating.

“Yep, two million views already.”

I groaned, moving my already-messy hair back.

“We’ll make that shithole pay for what he did. We’ll fix this,” she said loud enough for Morris to hear.
