Page 58 of A Lie in Church

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“Um … Tristan …” He looked away, as if he was contemplating telling me. “He is in a tough situation right now, but it doesn’t justify his actions. You were not meant to see that. It must have terrified you, but he is trying to get better.” He turned to look at me when he was done talking.

I raised my eyebrows, waiting for more explanation.

“He has a lot going on. I will advise you to stay away for a while, but keep me posted if anything happens.”

“A lot going on? Like mentally?”

He laughed softly and stood up without a comment. What were they not telling me?

“I should be on my way home now,” he said, looking down at his wristwatch.

“It’s almost one in the morning. You should go to bed,” he continued.

“I can go to bed whenever I want,” I said, annoyed.

He stared at me for a while without a word, and it made me uneasy. I raised my eyebrow at him.

“You mean a lot to him, Chloe. Wait for him. He will tell you,” he said softly, taking a step closer and brushing a stray hair back. “Please be patient with him. I know he can be an ass,” Adrian whispered, tracing my cheekbone with his thumb.

I leaned closer to his touch, which sent goose bumps down my arms. The spot burned and made it hard for me to breathe.

My throat went dry from the lack of distance between us. Was he feeling what I was feeling? He was supposed to be a crush, but it didn’t feel that way anymore. I looked into his gray eyes that stared back at me, searching. His eyes drifted slowly to my lips. I could feel the heat radiating off him. My lips parted slowly on their own, and I fought every nerve in my body telling me to close the space between us and initiate the kiss.

He pulled his hand away and took a step back. He tucked his hands into his front pockets, like they needed protection from something or someone.

I was disappointed, but I tried not to show it. I couldn’t trust him even if he’d been nothing but nice to me, and I couldn’t deny I was attracted to him. I was single, so no need to feel guilty. I was free to kiss other people. I wasn’t obligated to anyone anymore.

“Give Tristan some space. Sleep tight, Chloe,” he said and turned away.

“Bye,” I said as I watched walk out. I stood there for a few minutes, just staring at the door and mentally cursing at myself.

I turned around to walk back to my room. I hissed at the pain around my ankle.

“Need help?” I heard from a corner. It nearly gave me a heart attack.

Tristan walked to where I was with his arms folded, his lips curled inward, and brows lowered.

I looked up and was met with his stupid blue eyes that seemed to have their own soft halo-like glow. He looked down at my legs and then back to my face, waiting for a reply.

“So, now, you wanna help?” I scoffed and looked away.

I tried to pass through the other way, but he blocked me.

“What did you hear?” he asked in a calm tone that didn’t match the expression on his face.

“Nothing helpful with why I’m here.”

“Don’t lie to me, Chloe,” he said, voice fluffed with fatigue.

“Does it matter? You’re not gonna tell me the truth anyway.”

“I promised to tell you; we had a deal. So, wait until the time comes and quit being nosy.”

“Nosy?” I said with a short laugh.

“Good night,” he said, walking away.

I balled my hand into a fist and glared at his frame. I thought of what Adrian had said and decided to stay in my lane.

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