Page 69 of A Lie in Church

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I stood up and walked to him. He was still holding the edge of the counter for support. He gave me a firm nod and tried to stand on his own. I grabbed his arm to provide some support.

“Jeez, you’re burning up,” I said, immediately after touching his skin.

“It’s fine. I missed my morning medication.”

“I think you have a fever,” I said, pushing myself up on my tiptoes to touch his forehead.

“I will be fine,” he said, trying to pull away but I held him back.

“I have an idea. My mom always used it for me and my sister when we got a fever,” I said.

“What?” he asked, looking down at me.

“Let’s go.” I held his arm and helped him out of the kitchen to his room.

“So?” he asked when we entered his room.

“You have a bathtub, right?” I asked, and he nodded.

I walked to his bathroom and filled it with lukewarm water. I called him in when the bathtub was filled to my satisfaction.

“It’s not too cold, right?” he asked.

I smirked in response.

“It will help, trust me,” I said, laughing at the expression on his face.

He took off his shirt, and I looked away as he undid his pants. I glanced at his taut torso from the tall mirror mounted on the wall.

“No, leave them on,” I said sharply when he tried to take off his boxers.

He smiled and left his boxers on. I knelt in front of the bathtub.

“Shit!” he cursed at the temperature of the water.

I dipped one hand inside and moved closer to him. I placed my hand on his forehead, and he shivered at the coolness of my hand. I told him to lie down inside, but he refused. He was so adamant about it.

I sighed, standing up. I took off my long woolen jacket and stepped inside the bathtub in my thin-strapped dress.

“I guess we have to do this my way then,” I said, reaching for the shower head.

I turned it on and sprinkled the lukewarm water on him. He gripped my arms as I sprayed it on his face. I tried not to laugh at how scared he was of the coolness of the water.

I checked his temperature as I sprayed more warm water on him. It was getting better. I brushed his wet hair back.

My dress stuck to my body like glue as I tried not to shiver. My skin bubbled with goose bumps, pinning me with the wrath of icicles. Tristan let go of my arms and looked up at my face.

“Better?” I asked, turning off the shower sprinkler.

“Yes,” he said with a soft smile that made his eyes light up, the deep blue almost bewitching.

I looked away, pulling away from between his legs.

“Just stay for one more minute, and then you can come out,” I said, standing up.

I stepped out of the bathtub, shivering. My body danced to the frigid air slicing at my thighs and shoulders. I really wanted someone to just cuddle with me.

I grabbed a big towel, catching Tristan staring at me from the mirror. He looked away, moving his gaze to the ceiling as he his head fell back. I looked down at my wet dress, discovering that it was now see-through. My black underwear was visible, and my pad-free bra made it impossible to hide my aroused nipples. My heart hummed for reasons I didn’t understand.
