Page 81 of A Lie in Church

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“You’re the first female I have ever come across who drinks like this.”

“I’m honored,” I said with a bow.

His lips pulled into an amused grin as he sipped his drink. I stared at his lips on the glass; they looked so soft.What will it feel like to kiss Tristan?I shook the thought out of my head. Must be the alcohol talking, but I was a slave to my curiosity, and it needed to be quenched.

I had this crazy idea in my head, and I knew I would regret it. I took one gulp of my drink and stood up. I stopped in front of him, and he cocked an eyebrow as he stared down at me, his blue eyes holding countless secrets I wanted to know.

I gripped the front of his shirt and pushed myself up on my tiptoes, my eyes drifting to his full, tempting lips. I was still contemplating what I was about to do until I stopped thinking and took his lower lip in a slow kiss. I felt him tense and suck in a breath.

Is this what it means to have butterflies in my stomach?

I waited for him to kiss me back, but he didn’t. I withdrew and stared at his eyes that were now a darker shade of blue. They held raw desire.

“Are you drunk already?” he asked, observing me.


The word was barely out of my mouth before he pushed my back against the island and claimed my lips in a heated kiss. In rapid reflex, my lips mustered a moan. I responded to every movement of his soft lips. His tongue slipped in, determined and curious as it met mine. Every brush of his lips felt enticing. His one hand gripped my hip, fingers brushing my thigh with tremors of electrifying waves, while the other hand was around my neck, drowning me in a den of death and desire.

I had never been kissed like this. The feeling was beyond my imagination. I didn’t know it was possible to feel like this from a kiss—like I wasn’t part of my body. It was as if he had been waiting for me to give the signal. His lips moved in sync with mine, intense and hungry.

He sucked on my lower lip and slowly pulled it between his teeth until he broke the kiss. We were breathing hoarsely as we stared at each other. Hesitation lingered in his eyes, but the lust in his eyes loomed larger.

I wanted more, and my body begged for his touch. I wanted to kiss him again.

Like he’d read my mind, he hoisted me up onto the countertop. I ran my fingers through his hair as he moved closer between my legs. I felt my thighs squeezing, a magnetic attraction to meet his crotch.

The heat from our bodies increased the temperature around us. He used one finger to raise my chin as he looked into my eyes like he was searching for something. He swiped his thumb over my moistened lips and caressed my cheek softly. The gesture made me question what I was doing. My heart raced, drumming against my chest.

His eyes were glued to my lips as he leaned down and kissed me slowly. Like he was pumping in a type of oxygen I had never inhaled before. I didn’t know if it was the alcohol, but I was enjoying this. I hadn’t planned for it to go this far, but I didn’t have a care in the world.

My one hand gripped the edge of the counter as his lips left mine and nibbled on my neck, pulling my skin between his teeth and sucking softly on the mark he’d left behind. A soft growl slipped from his lips as he kissed a spot on my throat. He trailed kisses up my chin and took my lips in a deep kiss. His fingers knotted in my hair as he pressed closer against me. I could feel the hardness between his legs.

His palm ran up my thigh, through my dress, leaving a trail of goose bumps on my skin. He gripped my skin, digging his fingers, and I could feel the mark he was leaving on me. I stifled another moan when he bit on my lip and sucked on my tongue. His hand trailed higher to the pulsing between my legs.


I pulled away, and we both turned to look at Adrian at the doorway, staring at us.



Adrian’s eyes moved from my face to my thigh, where Tristan’s hand lay. We were both quiet and didn’t pull away from each other.

Why did I keep feeling like an awful person?

“I will be waiting for you in the living room,” Adrian said and walked away. There was a hint of anger in his voice.

I turned to look at Tristan. He pulled away, giving me some space. The warmth around me left with him, but my body was still hot from our make-out session.

He grabbed his drink and took a sip. He sat down and watched me as I jumped down from the island. I adjusted my dress and brushed my fingers through my hair. I glanced at Tristan. He stared back at me not saying anything. I just couldn’t tell what he was about to say. I turned away and left the kitchen.

I met Adrian pacing in the living room. He stared at my face as if he didn’t recognize me. I crinkled my face with my right brow elevated.

“Tristan told me you were sick,” he said, pressing his lips in.

I knew he wanted an explanation.
