Page 59 of Love Me Like You Do

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“Are you going to let our son speak to me like that, Kane?”

“MY,” I emphasize that word, “son is free to say whatever he likes. First Amendment and all that. Plus, Michael is an adult now and I happen to agree with him, you’re not wanted here.” Then I turn my attention to Jayne and hope that Calliope doesn’t hate me for what I’m about to announce. “And for the record, yes, I’m seeing someone. She’s the most amazing woman I have ever met and she makes me happy, happier than I have ever been. It’s new and wonderful but for now, I, well we, want to keep it between us.”

“I knew it!” Finley shouts, slapping the table. “I knew something was up, you’ve been so freakin’ happy these past few weeks. You’ve clearly been getting some.”

“Finley,” I berate her, “that’s enough.”

But my daughter being my daughter, ignores me and looks to Calliope. “Cali, babe, I’m tasking you with ‘find out who Daddy’s banging’ duty.” She says this just as Calliope takes a drink and she chokes and splutters on the sip she just took.

She wipes her mouth and composes herself and looks to Finley. “Sure, Finley, I’ll add it to the bottom of my ‘To-Do’ list but I have a feeling, I’ll be busy handling more important marketing matters.”

“When did you get so boring?” She doesn’t give Calliope a chance to reply before she tacks on, “at least keep an eye out for any secret rendezvous or meetings he has.”

“Sure, Finley, I’ll keep an eye out for who—”

“How tacky,” Danica sneers interrupting Calliope, “dating someone when we aren’t even divorced.”

“And I’m sure you haven’t dated anyone since you left, huh?” I snap back at her.

“What I do doesn’t matter,” she snaps, pissed off that it’s been thrown back at her.

“You keep telling yourself that, Danica. Now, if you don’t mind, we’re trying to have a nice night.”

“Kane, you can’t keep ignoring me. I’m not going anywhere.” She crosses her arms, stamps her foot, and huffs.

“I can and I will, Dan. You need to accept that we are over and you’re not wanted here. Just sign the papers and move on … I have.” Under the table, I feel Calliope’s hand slide onto my thigh, giving it a light squeeze. Her touch calms the rage building inside me and I know that I didn’t overstep with my announcement. I know she has my back, no matter what’s thrown at us.

“The kids want me here,” she whines.

Both Michael and Finley scoff. “Yep, they clearly want you here. Take the hint and leave. Better yet, sign the papers on your way out.” Looking to Jayne and Garrick, I smile. “I’m suddenly not in the mood, I think I’m going to head home. Thanks for a great night.” I look to Calliope. “Sorry to ruin your welcome home dinner, but know I’m happy to have you on board. I’ll see you at the hotel Monday.”

Before anyone can protest, I stand up and exit the dining room. Danica always has to fucking ruin everything but I will not let her ruin this for me. For the first time in years, I’m happy and I refuse to let this happiness go.


When Kane confirmed he was seeing someone, I nearly choked on my tongue. But Kane being Kane, he kept the ‘us’ part out of his confession and watching him walk away just now, it hurt. It hurt to see him so upset. I wanted nothing more than to follow him and make sure he’s okay, but I can’t. Pulling my phone out, I shoot him a text.

CALI:Are you OK?

Staring at my phone, I will it to ping in my hand and for him to let me know he’s okay, but it doesn’t make a peep. Knowing that I need to give him time, I place my phone down and focus back on the table but in the time I was in ‘Kaneland’ Danica is gone, as are Finley and Michael.

“Well, that was interesting,” Mom says. “But I am happy to hear Kane is dating someone.” She focuses on me. “Cali, honey, you will have to keep an eye out and let me know if you discover who he’s seeing, right?” She looks to Dad. “I wonder who it could be?”

Dad looks less than enthused, the complete opposite of Mom. “Mom, who he’s dating is none of my, or your business for that matter. I’m there to work, not contribute to the Silverbell gossip train.”

“Ohh, honey, you’ve been away for far too long. The gossip will always be here and it’s best to get it from the source … or his marketing manager. For me, keep an eye out … please? I want to make sure whoever he is with is worthy of him. After that woman, he deserves all the happiness in the world.”

“Amen to that,” Dad adds. “But whoever this lady is, she must be someone pretty special because when he was talking about her, I’ve never seen a glint in his eye like there was.”

“Maybe it’s a he,” Cari interjects. The three of us snap our heads to her. “What? I’m just saying.”

“Now don’t go spreading gossip like that,” Mom says. “That’s how rumors start,” she pauses, “but even if he is, love is love. Now, Cali, hon, would you like a lift home?”

“Thanks, Mom, I’d like that.” My phone pings and I quickly pick it up. I smile when I see it’s from Kane.

KANE:I’m fine, Sunshine … just wish I could hold you and shout it from the rooftops. I hope I didn’t overstep with what I said. I can only imagine the conversation you’re having right now

CALI:Cari thinks you’re seeing a man. Dad’s happy and Mom, well, she’s just Mom and wants the gossip
