Page 64 of Love Me Like You Do

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“Daddy,” I plead just as Kane, says, “Garrick,” his voice strained.

“Shut the fuck up, asshole,” Dad growls at Kane, his eyes locked on his best friend. I’ve never seen him look at his best friend with such contempt before. His gaze snaps to mine. “Calliope,” he snarls my name, “get the fuck off him.”

Ohh shit, he just full-named me, I know I’m in trouble now.

“Don’t speak to her like that.” Kane defends me as I climb off his lap, rearranging my dress to recover my tits before I turn around and walk over to my fuming father.

“Daddy, please,” I beg, reaching for him but he steps back and away from my touch. He’s staring daggers at Kane over my shoulder right now and he’s looking right through me, and that hurts. His face is red with anger and his forehead vein is now pulsating. He’s beyond pissed and looks like he’s ready to Hulk out.

Stepping in front of Daddy, I try to get him to look at me but his glare is still focused on Kane. “Daddy,” I shout, “look at me … please!” He lowers his gaze to mine and for the first time in my life, he’s not looking at me with adoration. I don’t recognize the look on his face right now.

“Calliope.” There’s my full name again. “Please tell me why I just found you dry-humping your boss?”

“Ummm,” I draw the word out but I know I can’t lie to him, not with the evidence before him, so I tell him the truth. “I’m the woman Kane has been seeing.”

“What the fuck?” he growls, shaking his head in anger. His face getting redder and redder with each shake and his forehead vein is throbbing like never before.

“Daddy,” I plead, “let—”

“Am I being punked right now? Is Ashton Kutcher about to jump out?”

“No, Daddy, this isn’t a TV show. This is real life.” Taking a deep breath, I look over to Kane and smile. He returns my smile and stands up. As he walks over to us, I look back at my father. “Daddy, Kane is the Prince Charming who you told me I’d meet one day and sweep me off my feet.”

“But … how? What? What the fuck?”

“Daddy,” I sweetly say.

“Do not Daddy me, Calliope Victoria,” he roars. He just full AND middle named me. He only uses that when I’m in trouble, big, big trouble and right now, I’m in the deepest of deep shit a daughter can find herself in. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this mad at me before.

This isn’t how I wanted him to find out. This is the complete opposite of how we wanted him to find out. Kane and I both knew when he did, there’d be fireworks. I just didn’t expect to be caught in the act per se, and the fireworks be more of a bomb exploding.

“Faaaaaark” he growls, shaking his head. “How the fuck did this happen?” Dad yells, and I’m pretty sure the whole of Silverbell heard him just now. “Tell me!”

“That’s enough, Garrick,” Kane snaps, pulling me into his side and resting his hand on my waist. He gives me a gentle squeeze and kisses the side of my head in that ‘I’ve got your back’ reassuring way.

Dad tracks the movement and clenches his jaw. He’s mute and the silence is unnerving, considering a few moments ago he was screaming at us.

“Garrick—” Before Kane says anything further, Dad rears his hand back and slams his clenched fist into Kane’s nose. Blood sprays everywhere. Dad punches him again and this time, Kane stumbles backward and falls to the floor, dropping with a thud to his ass.

Covering my mouth with my hands, I stand here, watching Dad looming over his best friend. His shoulders are rising rapidly and he’s breathing like a raging bull ready to charge. I know I need to go over to Kane, to help him, but I’m frozen with fear.

“She’s my daughter, you asshole,” he angrily yells. Anger is radiating off him. His fists are clenched by his side, and I can hear him grinding his teeth. He takes a step forward again as if he’s going to jump on top of Kane and launch into a full-on attack, but Kane raises his hand in a stop motion. Surprising me, and Kane, Dad stops moving.

“I know she’s your daughter, Garrick, but Calliope and I …”

“You and her what?” he sneers, those four words are laced with venom.

“We … we’re, Calliope and I are seeing each other. As she said, she’s the one I mentioned a few months ago.”

“I’m sorry, I swear I just heard you say that you’ve been seeing my daughter for a few fucking months now.”

Kane is silent and I’m still frozen. Dad takes another step toward him and finally my body moves. Pushing past Daddy, I put myself between the two men. I eye Dad before turning around to help Kane up. Reaching out, I offer him my hand, he places his in mine and I pull him up. Kane nods his thanks and from behind me, Dad growls like a wolf about to attack.

Spinning back around, I use my body as a buffer between Kane and Dad. A surge of adrenaline courses through me because I find the strength to stand up to Dad. “That’s correct, Dad.” I reach behind me and take Kane’s hand. I lace our fingers together and step beside him. Dad watches us intently; he clenches his jaw and continues to breathe deeply through his nose. “Daddy, Kane and I have been seeing each other for a few months now.”

“You fucking bastard, she’s my little girl,” he bellows, shoving Kane and accidentally bumping me in the process. Kane growls when he sees me stumble. Dad takes another menacing step forward, but I step between the two of them and raise my hands. Pressing my palm into each of their chests, pushing, I stop them both from attacking one another. Both of their hearts are racing erratically under my palms. Dad’s chest is heaving under my touch.Shit, I hope he doesn’t have a heart attack from this.

“Garrick,” Kane voices, but Dad ignores him. He just shakes his head and stares daggers at us, his gaze flicking back and forth between the two of us. Another growl from deep in his throat breaks the silence. I’m worried he’s going to hit Kane again but instead, he scoffs and throws his hands up in the air. “I … I can’t do this.”
