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What’s yours?

Eating ice-cream with my mom. She was wearing her crown and looked so beautiful I wanted so desperately to be like her. A real queen. I was about six years old I think.

The elevator pings and the doors slid open. The footmen greet us by bowing down low to both of us as we exit the elevator.

“You are beautiful,” he whispers in my ear in that split second that we’re alone.

Chapter Three


I stop myself from thinking that one recurring thought. The one where I bundle her up and take her to a cabin in the mountains in a completely different country. No one will find her. No one will hurt her.

She’ll be mine. Safe. No threat. No pain except what she asks me to give her.

It’s getting harder to stop myself from that line of thinking. Last night while she slept I looked at possible countries. Mapped out supply runs.I was being irrational. I know that.

I’m thinking of kidnapping my wife, hiding her away in a cabin for the rest of her life with me as the only man she’ll have around her.

Because I see a threat in everything, in everyone.

I stepped away from her when the thought to do that actually overwhelmed me. I don’t get overwhelmed. I’m a cold-blooded killer. My emotions are measured to the bare minimum and not an ounce more. But this girl, this beautiful stunning creature has turned my universe upside down and now everyone in the world is a threat.

She has no idea the control I require of myself not to give in, grab her and take her away.

Instead, I stalk her.

I don’t leave the palace when she’s here.

As a wedding gift to me, her father, the king, and my ex-boss because I’m now her bodyguard, gave me the code to a keypad which I changed to my own.

He told me it was his place of solace and he was passing it on to me.A secret wing in the palace he called his man cave that no one knew about, not even Sophia. A place he went to think, to be alone with his thoughts and a good bottle of whiskey.

It took me no longer than a day to install a surveillance operation from the very rooms the king thought I needed to have at my disposal.

I have cameras set up in our bedroom. In her office. In the lounges she receives people. I’ll continue to add more cameras to any other room she’s in. This way I get to watch her. I get to watch the people around her. I trust no one.

She was hurt on my watch and fuck I can’t get over that. My blood boils under my skin and my knuckles ache to pound into human flesh until I can undo what was done to her. I know it can’t be undone, but at least this way I’m given small bouts of satisfaction.

When she’s in the palace I have eyes on her. When she’s outside the palace I’m with her. There isn’t a moment she’ll ever be completely alone. No one will ever touch her again.

She doesn’t know about the rooms her father gave me. She doesn’t know about the surveillance I keep on her. She doesn’t need to know. It’s my job to protect her.

Failing her once was one too many times already.

I’m supposed to see a therapist. It’s been classed as compulsory given what happened with Thompson.

I treat the therapist the same way I’m trained to treat an interrogator. He gets nothing from me. I know what questions he’s going to ask before he asks them. I know how to answer them.

If he were any less smart he would have written up a report stating that I’m a balanced individual who has learned to deal with things in a healthy fashion.

But he is smart.

He’s also determined to crack me. Doesn’t he know the only person I will open up to is Sophia? She’s the only one I’ll tell my fears. But not in this case. I have my own ways of dealing with what Thompson had done to her. My ways are more effective than talking it out to any therapist will ever be. It’s just a matter of time before I’ll consider the matter appropriately dealt with.

My palm still tingles from where I cupped her sweet pussy under her dress. I can still taste her lips in my mouth, and smell her perfume in the air. Her skin bruises under my touch so fucking prettily I want to mark her whole body so everyone will know she’s under my protection.

God, I want her so fucking badly, so deeply I want to get lost in her sweet innocence.
