Page 11 of His Stolen Bride

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She was only making things worse for herself but with her dignity in tatters, her ass blazing red hot and smarting as if she had been stung by a hundred bees, she forgot how to think strategically and acted impulsively instead.

“It seems you’re going to need a harder lesson.”

Without warning, he tossed her onto the bed, face down. Then straddling her, he retrieved the same silk tie he had used on her before which had been laying on the bed. He then reached over her and proceeded to bind her wrists yet fucking again to the headboard.

Vivian could not believe her actions had brought her right back to where she had started. Bound and helpless.

“Oh my god. You’re a total bully. Untie me right now, your megalomaniac,” she yelled. The position he had placed her rendered her hopelessly trapped. With the weight of his body over her, she could hardly kick out her legs.

“That mouth of yours…” he said, as he slid down her body so he straddled the backs of her knees now. The T-shirt had ridden up and her throbbing ass concealed with nothing but a wisp of fabric would be in plain sight for his viewing.

But the ripping sound of the flimsy fabric of her panties reverberated in her head like a siren.

“God, no. What are you doing?” she cried helplessly. Those were the only pair she had.

“Teaching you a lesson you won’t forget,” he said softly behind her. With her head twisted at an angle, her stomach dropped, her womb tightened and her pussy throbbed as he licked two of his fingers then slipped them between her ass cheeks.

In her head, Vivian thought she roared at him for daring to touch her there. In reality, his touch had evoked a shameful, agonized and perplexed mewl from her lips.

She couldn’t let him touch her there. She couldn’t let anyone touch her there for that matter. It was just not right. More to the point her body had started to react to him in a strange and terrifyingly unfamiliar way.

Awkwardly, she scurried away, drawing her knees up the first chance he allowed it. She raised her wrists and was able to slide the silk of his tie up the thin wooden bars of his headboard so that she was kneeling and pressed against it.

She hadn’t aided her escape. She had inadvertently ensured that there would be no room for her to move when Elliot did nothing but follow her.

He pressed his chest against her back as he kneeled behind her, forcing her legs apart with his own. He curled his other arm around her waist, keeping her still as his fingers pushed through the absolute tightness of her asshole.

She had never known such humiliation, such gross embarrassment as Elliot penetrated the most forbidden part of her body.

“Please, don’t,” she begged but her voice still lacked complete conviction and she couldn’t remove the dark purring echo tingeing her words.

He growled in her ear, his breath almost a gentle whisper against her despite the way he used her body. His arm around her waist tightened and he pulled her crushingly closer to him.

The tips of his two fingers fought for entry into her asshole. If she had thought his palm on her ass could inflame her like nothing else, those two fingers of his at the entrance of her ass proved how wrong she had been.

The more her body resisted, the more she gritted her teeth to keep him out, and the more she seemed to change. She wanted to cry out of frustration and confusion. She didn’t understand what was happening to her.

Without her panties to offer her even an infinitesimal amount of protection, the scent of her arousal lingered embarrassingly in the air. The wetness that dripped from her now coated her thighs.

A wave of mortification pulled her under at the thought that Elliot could smell her wetness as well. How could he not? Why was she wet in the first place? She had no business reacting to him this way. What was wrong with her? He was using her as a ploy in a game of wits against Tobias.

She meant nothing to him yet she had made him a central feature in her head from the moment she had laid her eyes on him, like the stupidly immature teen she had vowed she wasn’t.

“Will you ever risk hurting yourself by trying to pull my own gun on me again?” he asked, his lips brushing against the skin on her neck.

“Go. To. Hell.”

She hated him. She wasn’t supposed to be here. He had no business crashing into her life and turning everything upside down, reducing her to nothing and then showering her with everything she was unfamiliar with. She didn’t recognize her body’s responses to him. He changed who she had been and when it was over, he would dump her body ina lake, for all she knew.

When he no longer needed her as a tool against Tobias, he would discard her, she had no doubt. He would go back to living his fearless life. She would have had the only chance of living a decent life with her cousin and uncle callously destroyed at his hand.

She didn’t want to be dragged into his fight with Tobias when she had her own fight to take care of.

“That’s not the answer I want,” he murmured before he pressed her down on his hand. Forced to part for his entry, that forbidden part of her opened up for him. The searing pain ignited a gush of wetness from between her legs and consigned her brain over into oblivion.

“I know how to use a gun, Elliot,” she cried, bracing herself against the unfamiliar stretch of her skin.

“I didn’t say you don’t know how to use one.”
