Page 16 of His Stolen Bride

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It felt awkward for her to be in bed while he was already dressed; with his shirt buttoned up already, he picked a black tie from his closet and then slid it under the collar of his black shirt.

But what was she meant to do? She had no clothes to change into. She had nowhere to go because he had freaking kidnapped her.

For the second time, her heart missed a beat when the doorbell sounded. She both dreaded and hoped Tobias had found her.

Elliot opened the door. A slim-built man, with gray wavy hair, entered the apartment. Vivian sprang from the bed. She didn’t know why anyone finding her in his bed made her feel so flushed.

“Mr. Knight,” the tall suited man said. On closer inspection, he looked older than she had thought but no less distinguished. Elliot nodded at the man then turned his attention to her.

“This is Elijah Owen. He’ll be right outside the door while I’m away.”

“What?” she asked, confused.

“He’s your bodyguard.”

No. No. No.

She had to work on her escape plan and the last thing she needed was someone lurking over her shoulder. Okay, she knew he would bring someone in to watch her but she had hoped she had more time.

The severity of her situation sunk in a little deeper now that her mind was clearer. It also brought home the catastrophic consequences she would face if she didn’t marry Tobias.

Her fingers flew to the locket around her neck. Her lifeline. Hers, her cousin’s, and uncle’s freedom depended on what was inside the gold locket. But before she came to that step she needed to marry Tobias. Fuck. She heard the ridiculousness in her plan. She was already married to a man who had no intention of freeing her from the marriage because he enjoyed playing with his enemies. The only people who could help her were the Russians but cut off electronically, she had no way of getting a message to them.

“Am I allowed to leave the apartment? I need clothes.” If she was allowed out of the apartment with the bodyguard in tow, she could find a way to get a message to the Russians without giving herself away.

“No. You’ll remain in this apartment until I’m done with you. Whatever you want will be brought to you.”

And just like that, Elliot cut off any hope of her getting out of this marriage.

“I don’t need a bodyguard,” she shouted, reaching the end of her endurance, dissolving into full-scale panic. She had no way of escaping, of getting word to the Russians. She was screwed and as good as dead now. So were her cousin and her uncle.

“I want to be released from this hell hole of a prison immediately. You are holding me against my will. You kidnapped me. You spanked me. You—” She came to a dead halt and hated that she had mentioned the word spanked in front of a stranger. “You're a tyrant. An entitled, arrogant ass and I would rather live in a sleazy dumpster than be here married against my will to you, you—”

Her anger rose inside her like the destructive wave of a tsunami. There wasn’t going to be any escape for her. She had let down the only two people who mattered in her life. All because Elliot Knight moved her around his chessboard like a pawn. Shaking with violence, everything coming down on her at once, she grabbed a Ming vase and flung it toward Elliot.

Elliot merely stepped out of the way and the porcelain crashed to the marble tiled floor into a thousand shards.

Unperturbed, straightening the cuffs on his jacket, Elliot strode toward her like a calm dark cloud, not a single line of emotion marred his gorgeous face.

She backed away. How she hated that she was afraid of him, not because he could hurt her, but because her body seemed to crave that kind of touch from him.

He backed her up until she bumped into the wall, trapping her further.

His hand slowly lifted to her throat. He pressed against her. His cologne was so intoxicating she purred involuntarily.

“Did you forget what my fingers can do to you, Princess?” he asked softly. Vivian struggled as his hand slid up the hem of the T-shirt. She had no panties as protection.

He used his foot and forced her legs apart, squeezing her throat when she tried to close them. There was a strange man in the apartment with them and Elliot had his hand between her thighs.

Oh god. She had pushed him too far. Her frustration but more her fear had gotten the better of her.

“Hmm?” he prompted. His fingers slid down the soaked seam of her pussy. He parted her folds and dipped inside. Vivian stood on the tips of her toes, trying to shrink herself into the wall behind her. Why did she have to be wet? How could her body betray her this way?

He pushed in a little deeper. No man had touched her there before. She wanted to die when the sensation felt so overwhelming.

“Elliot, please,” she whispered, gripping his wrist. Her humiliation at being handled this way in front of a stranger destroyed her. But he did nothing at all to stop the drizzle of her arousal at his touch.

“I’m… sorry. I… It won’t happen again,” she pleaded. He had moved his wet fingers to her clit, stroking her. Her back arched. An orgasm immediately started to gain traction. Oh god, she couldn’t come. Not when they weren’t alone.
