Page 20 of Ready for You

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I wanted to spread my legs for him but the denim around my ankles constricted my movements. His fingers shoved deep inside of me without warning, stretching me more than ever before as he sucked deeply and I shattered into what felt like a million pieces. He moaned against my pussy, causing my over sensitized clit to flutter with another tiny orgasm.

My arms ached from gripping my legs tightly and my mind felt foggy from the pleasure he’d wrung from my body. He helped me pry apart my stiff fingers and lowered my legs to the couch, pulling my clothing back into place for me. My eyelids felt heavy and closed fully as Grayson kissed me deeply, letting me taste myself on his tongue.

He pulled away slowly, that perfect hair mussed from my fingers causing me to smile. “Go on a date with me,” he demanded, sending a small thrill through me from the fact that he wasn’t asking.

“Okay,” I said instantly. There was no point in pretending to think it over. I’d spent the last few months wanting to be exactly where I was right now and I wasn’t going to risk that by playing games.

Grayson’s smile was blinding and he kissed me quickly before pulling me to my feet, making my head spin. He stepped back and I noticed his own pants were open and I could make out wetness staining his grey briefs. My eyes bounced to his and he shrugged as he tucked his shirt back into his pants before closing them.

“I’m not going to apologize for getting off to the taste of you. Your cupcakes are the best I’ve ever had, sweetheart, but they pale in comparison to that delicious pussy I just ate.”

My cheeks heated and I squirmed, loving his dirty words and the fact that he touched himself while he made me come. Who knew that Grayson James, Mr. Perfect, was beyond dirty behind closed doors? When his clothing was back in place, he wrapped me in his arms again, looking more relaxed than I’d ever seen him.

“Maybe I should be ashamed to admit this but I don’t really know what people do on dates,” he said shyly. It was crazy seeing him unsure of himself. Grayson always seemed confident and in charge, it was refreshing knowing he felt comfortable letting his guard down in front of me.

“I wouldn’t know either, I’ve never been on one before,” I admitted.

“Then I guess we can figure this out together, sweetheart.” The kiss he gave me was softer this time, less hurried. “Do you want to stay for dinner?”

I thought about the night I’d spent in his home with him and Daisy and panic rose within me. If Grayson wanted to date, then he’d want to know more about me. That’s what dating was, getting to know the other person to see if you were compatible.

There were still so many aspects of my life that I couldn’t tell him about. I didn’t want to lie to him, that was no way to start a relationship but maybe I could come up with ways to deflect his questions so that he wouldn’t find out the truth of my past.

“I’d love to but I’m actually exhausted. It’s been a long day and I have to be at work even earlier tomorrow because I have birthday cakes that I need to get ready. But maybe we can have that date tomorrow night?”

Grayson watched me for a moment in the way of someone who read people for a living. I would need to prepare myself for his questioning because he’d probably be able to instinctively see through any lie.

“Tomorrow. I’ll drop Daisy off at my parents’ for a sleepover. That way I can have you all to myself for the entire night.” His eyes heated with promise and my body tingled even though he’d just made me come.

“Tomorrow.” I kissed him once more before slipping out of his office and making my way to my car. It was a strange but welcome feeling being able to look forward to the future and what it might hold. Refusing to let fear creep in, for once I went to bed that night feeling hopeful.



Isat in Roe’s office debating if I wanted to hear what he had to say. He’d been working on Lily’s background and had finally found her trail from before she came to Little Falls.

Roe had found an online dating profile a few months back, but I’d had him shut that shit down within a day of it going live. I’d poured over the information she’d chosen to share with complete strangers. What the fuck was a book boyfriend? I’d be finding out; the only boyfriend Lily would be having was me. There was no fucking way I was going to let some asshole have a chance at my woman.

I’d never promised to play fair when it came to getting what I wanted. I licked my lips remembering the taste of her I got yesterday and it went a long way to calm down my jealousy.

“Ready, boss man?”

Roe was very logical when it came to the intelligence he procured for me. He never asked why I wanted it and I never asked him how he got that information. He was one of the smartest people I’d ever met and I knew he covered his tracks well. I trusted him and every member of my team implicitly.

He’d found out Lily’s true identity and now that I had the knowledge at my fingertips, I felt conflicted about how I’d gone about getting it. I wanted to believe that with enough time and trust, Lily would tell me herself. What would she think if she knew I’d gone behind her back? Would she feel betrayed?

My only certainty beyond how much I wanted Lily was that I needed to protect her from anything that could take her from me. And I couldn’t do that if I didn’t know what I was protecting her from. I inclined my head, unable to speak around the lump of guilt that had formed in my throat.

I caught his look of surprise before he blanked his face and turned his monitor so that I could see the file he had compiled for me.

“Okay, her real name is Lily Barrett and she’s from the Dallas area. Nowhere notable, just a shitty little trailer park on the county line. She’s twenty-two years old and the birthday on her IDisher actual birthday. It seems the only personal identification that is falsified is her last name and social.”

I liked that what little information Lily had given me from her own lips was real. It gave me hope that she didn’t want to lie to me, that I was different for her.

“Her parents are Johnny and Sarah Barrett,” Roe continued. “I was able to scrounge up a picture.”

The picture on his screen was of a young couple on their wedding day. At least I assumed that was what it was supposed to be. They stood in front of a judge in a drab beige room with drab beige furniture.
