Page 12 of Just You

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“You look sexy in my clothes, baby,” he walked us backwards and lifted me up onto the counter. Something crashed to the floor but neither of us were concerned as I spread my legs wide and grabbed his ass, pulling him tight against my sex.

“Winnie,” Kane groaned as he placed biting kisses down my neck. “I need to feed you.”

“I’m not hungry,” I denied, trying to pull his mouth back to mine, when my stomach growled, the traitor.

Kane licked into my mouth once more before helping me off the counter and pushing me in the direction of the kitchen table. He placed a plate full of delicious looking pasta mixed with colorful vegetables and a thick slice of French bread in front of me, before taking his own seat next to mine.

“This looks great, Kane, thank you.” I took my first bite and moaned at the delicious flavors of lemon and garlic. I looked up to see him staring at me, jaw clenched, nostrils flared. “Is everything okay?” I asked shyly, licking my lips.

Kane closed his eyes and when they opened again, he seemed calmer and pointed to my plate, “Yeah, baby. Eat.”

We ate dinner with lighter conversation about the diner and Kane filled me in on some of Roe’s antics around the office. It all felt so natural, having someone to eat a meal with and talk to after work. I normally stood over the sink picking at a frozen dinner while scrolling through my phone. The thought of cooking after a day surrounded by food usually didn’t appeal to me.

“Go sit and find us something to watch while I clean this up,” Kane took the empty plate from in front of me. When I began to protest, he leveled me with an intense stare that sent me running into the den.

Mr. Fluffernuts was stretched out in the corner of the couch and barely lifted his head to acknowledge my arrival before going back to sleep. After fumbling with the four remotes on the coffee table, I was able to turn on the colossal television and settled on a rerun ofThe Office.

When Kane came to the couch, I scooted over to make room for him. He grunted and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, tucking me right next to his big body. After dragging a soft blanket over both of us, he propped his feet on the coffee table and we proceeded to watch TV like we did this every night.

* * *

My eyes openedwhen I felt myself being lifted in the air. “Mmm, what time is it?” I mumbled. “I should go home,” I nuzzled deeper into his embrace, smelling his delicious Kane scent.

“It’s late, Winnie,” Kane said, laying me down on his bed. “Stay with me tonight.”

“Mmkay,” I rolled over and snuggled into the warm sheets that held the same scent. I was too tired after a full day on my feet at the diner to protest more. And I didn’t really want to leave anyway.

My eyes opened again when I felt Kane’s arm wrap around my waist and pull me into his hard body. I could feel his erection rubbing against the thin layers of cloth that separated it from my backside.

I started to roll over but he squeezed me tight, “Shh, sleep, baby. I just want to hold you,” he said, kissing my neck. My eyes drifted shut and I sighed, feeling safe and content in his embrace.



Iwoke up immediately aware of my surroundings. Years of training and multiple tours had conditioned me to be on alert at all times. But this morning my body wasn’t coiled and ready for battle. I felt relaxed and rested and it was all thanks to the woman whose breath was tickling my neck.

Her hand rested low on my abs, brushing the edge of my boxer briefs. My cock hardened, reaching for her fingertips. I silently cursed and willed it into submission. Patience and time were what I needed if I was going to get what I really wanted. I ran my fingers through her messy curls, relishing in finally being able to touch her.

My phone buzzed on the table next to me and I gently removed my arm from under Winnie and turned it off so that it didn’t wake her. She mumbled under her breath and flopped around on the bed a few times before settling on her stomach and snoring softly. Cute. Winnie was a total bed hog for someone so tiny.

I stared at her and thought how fucking good she looked in my bed, those strawberry blonde curls spread out on my pillow made me long to stay with her all morning. But it was my job to run the office when Gray was out of town and the last thing I wanted was to have to lie to him about why I took a day off in the middle of the week.

I rolled out of bed and trudged to my closet, rolling my sweatpants down my legs. When I brought Winnie to my bed last night, the desire to take off her clothes and taste every inch of her skin until she came for me again was strong. I decided to sleep in my clothes to resist the temptation. I pulled on gym shorts, running shoes and a hoodie before leaving the closet and moving back to my bed, kissing Winnie’s temple, but she didn’t stir this time.

Smiling down at the angel in my bed, a warmth spread from my chest to my whole body, it felt really good to know that she would be there when I came home. Having dinner with her last night and doing something as normal as watching TV together was a first for me. Other than Mr. Fluffernuts, I usually spent my evenings alone.

My life was pretty fucking predictable. Wake up, get in a workout, go to the office, come home, sleep and start the cycle over the next day. Routine had been instilled in me from the moment I joined the Marines. Thanks to the gym we had built into the back of the Falls Security office, there were days I didn’t even leave the building.

I wanted more than routine. The wife, kids and picket fence. I wanted little league and kids’ artwork on the fridge, donuts on Saturdays while we lazed around in our pajamas. I wanted multiple kids so they would never have to worry about feeling alone like I did growing up. Did Winnie want those things, too? I could clearly see the life we could have together. Daisy would be a great big cousin, that is if Gray ever talked to me again.

The cat rubbed against my calf and strolled over to his food bowl before sitting down and looking at me expectantly. After giving him fresh food and water, I scratched him behind the ears and stood, grabbing my keys. “Keep an eye on her until I get back, okay, bud?” He gave a small meow in answer and I walked out the door locking it behind me.

Taking the private back entrance that led straight to our offices from the lofts above, I input my code for the door that opened directly into the well-equipped gym. Keeping our bodies conditioned had always been a huge part of our career. That included eating healthy ninety-nine percent of the time and training on a daily basis.

There was a mix of endurance and strength equipment as well as a large open area in the middle with mats where we would take turns sparring with one another. When I entered the room, the rest of the team, minus Gray, were already there. Gage was spotting Sam at the bench press and Roe was on one of the treadmills. Unzipping my hoodie as I walked, I climbed on the treadmill next to Roe and started warming up my muscles.

“What happened to you, man? Your disciplined ass is usually the first one here in the morning,” Roe slowed down the machine and jumped off.

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