Page 17 of Just You

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“Well, all right then. I think now that I know that top-secret information, we’re officially in a relationship, Miss Winifred James.”

Holy shit, I’m in a relationship with Kane. He’s my boyfriend—that sounds weird.Man friend? No. Lover? Ugh, gag, that one’s the worst. Whatever, I’ll google it later. Be cool he’s still staring at you.

“Sure, that’s all right, you know, if you need to define it or whatever.”

“How about I order us a pizza since it’s late and the dinner I had planned to make is back at my place?”

“As long as there’s extra pepperoni that works for me.”

“You got it, baby,” he pulled his phone out of his pocket and left me to get dressed.

I went to my closet and pulled out my favorite leggings and a soft off-the-shoulder sweatshirt. It was strange knowing Kane was waiting for me in the other room. I had lived alone since I left college and Daisy was the only person that slept over.

Padding out to my den, I stopped in the entryway when I saw Kane trying to get comfortable on my tiny couch. He easily took up three-quarters of the cushions and the back couldn’t support him at all. When he tried to slouch down, his ass fell off the front and he landed on the floor. I clutched my stomach as I burst into laughter.

“Why’s everything in here so fuckin’ tiny? I feel like I’m a giant in a doll house!” he growled.

“My house is tiny because I’m tiny,” I snorted. “You have no idea how annoying it is to have to pull out a stepstool or climb onto the counter just because you need a water glass.”

“I can honestly say that I haven’t had that problem since I was a child.”

A knock on the door announced our pizza’s arrival and we ate at the coffee table because there was no way Kane was going to be able to sit at my little table without breaking one of the chairs. After I cleaned up the box and our trash, I stood at the entrance to the den twisting my fingers together.

Kane had put me in his bed last night after I had fallen asleep on his couch. But that didn’t mean he would automatically stay the night here. I wanted him to, I wanted to sleep in his arms again and hopefully continue where we had left off that morning.

“Come here, baby,” Kane gestured me over. He tipped my chin up with his knuckle, “You want me to stay tonight?” How could he read me that easily?

“Yes,” I whispered, scared to say it any louder.

“We don’t have to do anything, Winnie, we can go as slow as you want. But if you would let me, I’d love to touch you again.”

I took a deep breath and gathered my courage, “And what if I wanted to touch you this time?”



“Kane? Can I touch you?” Winnie repeated.

“Yeah, baby,” I croaked out, clearing my throat. “You can touch me anywhere you want to.”

She reached out her hand to link her fingers with mine and turned, leading us out of the den. I stumbled behind her, ready to follow her to the ends of the earth if it got her hands on me. She took me to her bedroom which held the smallest fucking bed I had ever seen. Either we were going to have to spend nights at my place or Winnie was going to have to invest in some bigger furniture.

“Don’t worry, you’ll fit,” Winnie giggled as she pushed me onto the bed. She tentatively reached forward and lifted the hem of my t-shirt. I grabbed the fabric behind my neck and ripped it over my head, desperate to have her skin against mine. Her eyes roamed over my chest and abs hungrily before landing on the tent my dick was making in my pants, some of her confidence disappeared as she bit her lip nervously.

“Hey,” I reached out and grabbed her chin gently, raising her eyes to mine. “As slow as you want, okay?” I reminded her.

She nodded her head before placing both knees on the bed and straddling me. Her hands reached into my hair and wrapped around the back of my head as her lips touched mine softly. I deepened the kiss, using my hands to grip her ass and bring her closer. I could feel her stiff little nipples rubbing my chest through the thin sweatshirt and it was driving me crazy.

Winnie began rocking against me as her teeth trailed down my neck and nibbled the tendons there, making me moan. Suddenly she slid off my lap and dropped to her knees on the carpet in between my splayed thighs.

“Do you have any idea how sexy you are, Kane?” She ran her nails down my chest and over my nipples, making me buck my hips. She was the sexy one, with her curls loose down her back and her lips swollen from kissing me.

She unbuckled my belt and pulled it loose, dropping it next to her on the ground before snapping the buttons on my tactical pants. Fuck, it was taking everything I had to let her be in control.

I leaned back on my hands and lifted my ass off the bed so she could slide my pants and briefs down my legs. After I kicked them away, I watched her eyes grow wide and her pink tongue come out to lick her lips, making my dick jumped toward her.

She scooted closer on her knees as her hand reached out to wrap around the base. “I’ve wanted to touch you for so long,” she stroked my shaft, once, twice before looking at me under hooded eyes. “To lick every…last…inch,” her tongue flicked the head of my cock, making me groan in pleasure.
