Page 20 of Just You

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“Actually, I have a little drama of my own and could use your advice.”

“Yes! Finally! Tell Auntie Jo all of your problems.”

“I slept with Kane,” I blurted quickly, ripping it off like a bandage. The phone was completely silent. I pulled it away to make sure we were still connected. “Jo?”

“I think I just had a stroke. Did you just say you slept with Kane? As in Kane Rodriguez, security superhero with the best ass in Little Falls, Kane? Your brother’s best friend, Kane?”

I grimaced at the mention of Gray, “Yes, that Kane.”

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, yes! This is the best news ever, you’ve wanted to ride that man for years. Please tell me that giant is big everywhere, and if he isn’t just lie to me because that would break my poor heart.”

“He has the body of a god, Jo,” I said wistfully, recalling his full naked glory last night.

“I knew it! Everyone that works there’s hot as fuck. The first time I saw Sam I thought I had turned into a lesbian.”

“Eww, Jo, my brother works in that office.”

“Hate to tell ya, baby girl, but your brother’s one fine man. How does he feel about the whole you and Kane situation?”

“That’s why I was calling you. Nobody else knows about it yet. Last night, before we, you know…”

“Humped like hippos, competed at the bedroom rodeo, did two person pushups?” Jo supplied.

“Yes, before that, we talked and decided we were only seeing each other. But it isn’t like I can actuallyseehim anywhere but at our houses. Even that’s risky because he literally lives across the hall from Gray, luckily he’s out of town right now.”

“Y’all want to keep it a secret?”

“No, we want to come up with a way to tell everyone, but it’s complicated. Kane has been a huge part of my family since he moved to town as a kid. His home is in the same building as the business he runs with my brother. What if we break up? It could destroy everything.” Tears pricked behind my eyes at the thought of losing Kane and we had only been together a few days.

“What if you don’t, Winnie?” Jo asked softly. “You don’t sleep around, you don’t date, you certainly wouldn’t have started with your brother’s best friend if you didn’t take it seriously. Knowing what little I do about Kane, he seems like a good guy who wouldn’t cross that line without being sure about you, too.”

She was right. Neither of them would ever want to hurt Gray and Kane had made it pretty clear that she wasn’t just a hook-up. “How do you suggest I tell Gray and my parents about this?”

“Whew boy, that’s a tough one, hun. I think your parents will be cool, they already know and love him like their own. Not to mention you are both adults here no matter the age difference. As for Gray, it’s a toss-up. He can be pretty protective of you, but who knows, maybe he’ll bless the joining of his little sister and his best buddy?”

That seemed highly unlikely. Especially the longer we waited to tell him. Gray never liked being left in the dark about anything, my brother was a type-A control freak.

“Look, I don’t have a brother but I know if it was one of my lunatic sisters, I’d be hurt that they felt like they couldn’t tell me.”

“You’re right. When Gray gets back to town, we’ll talk to him. There’s no reason to freak him out while he’s gone.”

After chatting some more with Jo, I hung up the phone and got ready for work. The thought of seeing Kane again tonight brightened my mood and pushed all thoughts of my family’s reactions to the back of my mind.



“You know, I’m shocked at your wardrobe, Kane,” I heard Winnie say from inside my closet. “Here I’ve been thinking you owned nothing but black t-shirts, black pants, black boots, and I find this,” she came out wearing the shirt Roe had given me a few weeks ago.

It was a neon tie-dye crop top that read ‘Sorry, I can’t. I have plans with my cat’ across the front. It was the dumbest fucking thing I had ever been given in my life and I’d planned to drop it off at the donation center next time I went. But on Winnie, paired with her tiny little panties, damn, that shirt was getting a place of honor in my closet from now on.

She walked over to the bed where I leaned against the headboard and climbed on, straddling my lap. “I talked to Jo today,” she said, wrapping her arms around my neck, her fingers gently stroking my hair.

“Hmm?” I rubbed my palms up and down her smooth thighs, distracted as my thumbs grazed the lace wrapped around her hips.

“I told her about us and she asked me if your dick was big.”

“And what did you say?” I smiled as I continued my massaging.
