Page 25 of Just You

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The sound of feet shuffling caught my attention and I saw my dream girl sleepily walking toward the kitchen. She was wearing one of my Falls Security shirts that came all the way down to her knees and her hair was sticking in every direction like she had been electrocuted. Fucking gorgeous.

“Good morning,” she yawned widely. Mr. Fluffernuts wound his way in between her legs until she stooped to pick him up, he had been trying to steal my woman ever since she brought him treats the second time she stayed over. If I came through the door and Winnie wasn’t with me, the little shit would go pout on the corner of the couch until she arrived.

“Morning, baby,” kissing her temple, I led her to the table where breakfast was already waiting. She immediately reached for her mug and downed half the contents. I learned quickly that until Winnie had at least one full cup of coffee in her she couldn’t handle much talking. It was like watching a switch flip inside her from ‘leave me alone I’m sleepy Winnie’ to ‘I can kick a ninja’s ass Winnie’.

“Ready?” I asked her.

“Ready,” she smiled, digging into the bacon and hash browns in front of her. She moaned around the fork, making my dick stand up and take notice. It had become well-acquainted with that mouth and that sound.

But today was about proving we could be together outside of my bedroom, and my couch and my office chair.Stop thinking about places to fuck her.I cleared my throat and shifted in my chair to hide my erection.

“I pulled together a basket for our tea party picnic,” she looked to the counter where I was pointing and raised her eyebrow at me. Okay, it wasn’t so much a basket and more like two old grocery sacks and my protein blender bottle that I had filled with lemonade. It wasn’t like I spent my free time making tea parties for little girls, a hobby that would more than likely get me arrested.

“We can swing by my house before we pick up Daisy, I have a basket that we normally use and an extra booster seat for the car.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I picked up my fork and we ate, making plans for the day.

* * *

We pulledup to the house where I met Winnie all those years ago crying on the front porch. It hadn’t changed much over the years, with the same white paint and green shutters. The magnolia tree she had fallen out of still stood tall in the front yard.

I glanced next door where I had spent my teenage years before I enlisted. Dad had moved out when I did, I think he knew I had no desire to come back and live at home and his job as a full-time dad was over. He had moved out to the country and lived in a cabin next to a lake where he could fish every day if he wanted to.

I went out there about once a week to eat lunch with him and make sure he was doing all right. Our relationship wasn’t the closest, but I knew if I ever needed him, he would be there and I made sure to do the same. A screen door slamming announced the arrival of a tiny tornado before she leapt off the porch and into my arms.

“Uncle Kane!” Daisy shouted, hugging my neck tight. “What’re you doing here? Are you coming on our tea party picnic, too?” The words tumbled out of her mouth so quickly it took my brain a moment to process what she had said.

“I sure am, little lady. Your Aunt Winnie said there were some stuffed animals that needed carrying and I volunteered for the job,” I tapped her nose as I put her down.

“Really?” She bounced around excitedly. “You’re really big like Daddy, you can carry way more of my friends than Aunt Winnie can,” she turned and ran back into the house, presumably to gather the mountain of ‘friends’ I would be carrying.

“Hey!” Winnie shouted at her retreating back.

I laughed, dropping my arm around her shoulders and kissing her cheek, “It’s okay, baby, I don’t want you to be intimidated by how many teddy bears I can bench.”

“Dottie warned me but it’s different seeing it with my own eyes,” Winnie’s father said from the porch. Cyrus James. He looked like an older version of his son with his arms crossed over his chest and the same expression I had seen on Gray’s face a thousand times.

I kept my arm around Winnie, staring back at Cyrus and waiting for his next words. I knew him well and this was a test to see how serious I was about his daughter. He would be hard pressed to intimidate me and I knew he would lose respect for me if he could.

His lips tipped up on one side before looking at his daughter. “Your mother wants more grandbabies,” he said before entering the house.

“Dad!” Winnie shouted. “For the love of all that is holy,” she turned to me. “I’m sorry. My parents have clearly become senile in their old age.”

“No we haven’t!” was shouted from inside, making me laugh.

“It’s all good, Winnie. Your parents are upfront people and I think that was your dad’s way of saying he approves,” I cuddled her to me. “Besides, I think our babies will be pretty cute, don’t you?” I teased.

“I, um, I,” she stammered as her eyes grew wide.

“Don’t overthink it, Fred,” I kissed her lightly before heading up to the front porch. I may have been teasing her but I meant every word. I could picture a little girl with Winnie’s strawberry blonde curls and swimming pool blue eyes. Having kids wasn’t something I had thought on much before her and now I wondered how long I would have to wait before I could convince Winnie to let me get her pregnant.

I walked into the living room as Daisy came running out of the back hallway leaving a trail of toys in her wake. “Uncle Kane, Uncle Kane, I’m ready!” She stopped in front of me holding a purple bunny, a monkey and a polka dot blanket.

“Are these our guests for the picnic then?” I helped her load them into the sequined backpack falling off her tiny shoulders.

Daisy giggled, “It’s a tea party picnic, Uncle Kane.”

“You tell him, sweet potato. A tea party picnic’ssonot a regular picnic,” Winnie rolled her eyes at me. “Boys can be so silly sometimes, you sure you want him to tag along with us?” Winnie bent down and whispered conspiratorially in Daisy’s ear as she shot a smile my way.
