Page 133 of A Woman of Passion

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“No grooms; we are absolutely alone.”

Her breath caught in her throat at the mere thought of being alone with him in a stable. He wore tight leather riding breeches and a white shirt, unbuttoned to the navel. Her mouth went dry at the sight of such rampant virility, and she went down into his waiting arms in a flurry of lavender petticoats.

His mouth, already hard with anticipation, took possession of hers and she opened her lips, inviting his tongue to master her. She could feel the hard shank of his thigh thrust between her legs, and she gripped it with her own thighs and pressed her breasts into the solid wall of his chest. The kiss robbed her of all strength, and when he withdrew his arms to look down at her, she staggered a little. With a husky laugh she raised her skirts to her knees. “You'll have to help me with my riding boots.”

He stared at them, then swallowed hard. “Christ, no. I want everything else off, but we'll keep the riding boots on for now.” He picked her up and carried her to a stall piled high with fragrant hay, then he laid her back and carefully undressed her, kissing every delicious part of her body as he exposed it, until she lay completely naked except for the black riding boots.

She watched through half-closed eyes as he stripped off his own clothes, revealing the magnificent, hirsute body that had invaded her dreams since she was a young girl. He kissed the inside of her thighs above the boots, then moved up to her belly, teasing and licking her navel with the tip of his tongue. When he tasted her breasts, she knew it gave him untold pleasure. He toyed with them endlessly, weighing them on his palms, stroking them until they quivered, tonguing the bright tips until they turned into hard little berries, then sucking them whole into his mouth as if they were succulent fruit. Slowly he raised himself up and mounted her, and her boot-clad legs wrapped about his lithe torso.

“I swear I'm so hard, I could break off inside you.”

“Mmm, then I could take it home and pleasure myself day and night. I've always wanted a cock.”

“Vixen, you say the most outrageous things, and they make me insatiable for you.”

“Insatiableis a lovely word, and a stable is surely one of the most erotic places there is to make love.” She reached down to stroke the intimate place where their bodies joined, then she encircled him with her fingers and squeezed rhythmically. “The smell of the stable, the prickle of the hay under my bottom, the sight of your brute stallion trying to nip my mare's neck with his savage teeth—they do wild and wicked things to my blood.”

“Tell me what you want, beauty.”

“When you've ridden me, I want to ride you, you black devil!”

It was a unique experience for Shrewsbury to be alone at one of his manors, and the pair of lovers took complete advantage, enjoying the gardens, the trout stream, and even the kitchen. He watched, entranced, as Bess, clad only in her frilly petticoat, cooked them an omelet garnished with herbs from the garden for their lunch. They had also picked strawberries for their dessert, and as Bess began to wash them at the sink, his arms slipped about her to distract her with caresses. Laughing, she fed him strawberries between kisses and lamented that they had no cream.

“I'll give you cream,” he promised wickedly, sliding his bold hand up her bare leg beneath the lavender silk.

With a squeal she deftly eluded him, and he chased her from the kitchen, along a passageway covered with portraits of his Talbot ancestors, and up a great winding staircase. When she reached the top, he was almost upon her, and knowing there were only bedchambers to run to, she climbed onto the polished banister and slid all the way back down to the ground floor.

He was after her in a flash, his long legs descending the steps two at a time. He vaulted the last six in time to catch her as she went sailing off the carved newel post. They fell in a heap of petticoat, tangled legs, and laughter, sprawled together like children who had suddenly found themselves without supervision. As they lay catching their breath he said, “I think we need an afternoon nap.”

“I think we need a bath.”

“We can do both, if you'll come upstairs with me.”

“Persuade me,” she purred.

“If you come up to the master bedchamber, I have something for you I know you'll love,” he tempted.

“Is it big?”

“Would I give you anything small?”

“Is it hard?”

“Would I give you anything soft?” he teased.

“I'm baffled; give me another hint.”

“Mmm, let's see—it's round, it has a thick shank, and it will bring you endless pleasure.” He stroked the backs of his fingers across the swell of her breasts. “The sight of it alone will make you gasp.”

“It's oversize, like everything else about you?”

“I promise it will be a snug fit.”

“How can I resist?” She rolled to her knees, set her slippered feet to the priceless oriental stair carpet, and took off up the steps, knowing he would catch her before she reached the top. The corners of her mouth went up as she felt one hand slip about her waist, while the other slid up her petticoat to fondle her bottom.

“Did you know you have a heart-shape bum?”

“I didn't know an earl was allowed to use such common language.”
