Page 67 of Dark Angel

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I waved them all away, a thin sheen of sweat on my forehead as I tried desperately to recover myself.

A vibrating butt plug—a detail he hadn’t warned me about.

Nice touch.

I was surprised the remote activated from this distance, or maybe he had been waiting until I got within range, serving a table that was closer to the balcony. Refusing to look up, I stood on shaking legs, the vibrations still pulsing through my body, and thanked those who had tried to help, swallowing past the moan that threatened to escape my lips.

With unsteady steps, I made my way up the stairs, meeting Sven at the top who was guarding the door.

“Emrick is calling me,” I said, fully aware that my cheeks were flushed and certain the buzz of the plug was audible. His eyebrows shot up when I moaned as the vibrations increased in intensity, and I was forced to press a palm against the wall to keep myself steady.

Sven smirked. “Evidently.”

“Let me through…please.” I gritted my teeth, forcing my voice to remain steady when every nerve in my body was screaming at me to drop to my knees and rub my clit. Of course, by now, Sven knew who I was and my connection to Emrick.

I had no doubt he was acting on Emrick’s orders to delay me.

My initial impression of Sven had been correct regarding the prison tattoos, but while I expected him to have done time for mass murder, judging by the look in his eye—although, who was I to judge—it was aggravated assault that finally got him. They’d only found out about the money laundering, the fraud, and the murder after he was already incarcerated. He made a deal, and the DA wasn’t happy to let him go with only eight years served. Who knows who he threw under the bus to save his ass. Sven was cunning but violent, and while we’d hardly be best friends, I wasn’t afraid of him.

Provided I didn’t get on his bad side.

Although, I almost smirked. I had Emrick’s protection now. I was basically untouchable.

“Sven,” I pushed the word out, grinding my teeth. “I’ll get you back for this.”

He chuckled, opening the door. “Sure you will, dollface.”

Pushing past Sven, shoving him harder than necessary with my shoulder, I just about fell to my knees in front of Emrick as a smirk spread across his face. He hadn’t lifted his chin from his hand, and while his dark glasses hid his eyes, I knew they’d be flashing with lust. Sven had mercifully closed the door behind me, but Emrick and I were still visible to all the patrons and staff in the club. It took all my willpower to remain on my feet in front of him.

“If you bend over, I’ll put you out of your misery,” he practically purred.

“I’m not doing it here on the balcony,” I hissed at him.

Chuckling as he stood, Emrick made his way to the door behind his seat. “Please…” he gestured, “… come into my office.”

“Thank you.” I stalked past him, holding my head high.

The moment the door was closed behind me, Emrick grabbed me, a rough touch that would have terrified anyone else. But I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.

Not too far past my limits anyway.

He brought his lips close to mine and inhaled. Emrick always insisted if I were going to wear lip gloss that it be unscented. He didn’t want to smell some artificial berry flavoring, he wanted to taste and smell only me. I thought he was going to kiss me and pursed my lips, waiting for contact that never came. He wrapped his arm around my waist and swept me across the office, forcing me to bend over the desk and holding me still as I squirmed. When he flipped up my skirt, I began rubbing my legs together, desperate for some friction against my clit.

“Shall I take it out for you, pussycat?” Emrick growled, tugging lightly on the plug.

“Yes, please,” I begged. “Please, I can’t take it anymore.”

“Oh,” he crooned. “I think you can.”

Emrick began twirling the plug, and I moaned as it added to the sensation of the vibrations through my body. He was in complete control of my body, mind, and soul. Taking me as he needed and giving me what I desired. He touched a finger to my clit, adding only the slightest pressure. I was so worked up, it was almost enough to push me over the edge. But not yet. He wouldn’t let me come, not after how I had upset him.

He unzipped his pants, and when I tried to turn to face him, he slapped my ass, then slammed a palm between my shoulder blades. He hadn’t removed the plug yet, and the sensations were overwhelming me. When he began rubbing his cock against my pussy, I moaned, and he leaned forward, whispering in my ear, “Are you ready for your punishment, pussycat?”

This wasn’t already my punishment?


He bit into my shoulder, probably drawing blood, and I cried out. “That didn’t sound like the right way to answer me.” He growled. “I asked you if you’re ready for your punishment?”

Another tug and twirl on the plug, and I moaned. “Yes, sir.”

“Good.” His voice was as dark as his eyes, and I trembled with anticipation of the impending pleasure and pain. I moaned again, knowing he was only making me wait to torture me.

He wanted it as bad as I did.

And I’d found the perfect match for my darkness.
