Page 72 of Daddy's Way

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Chapter Twenty

After news about theattack on Shannon spread, everyone at Olivia’s agency suddenly became her personal bodyguards. She no longer went to any showings alone, regardless of who the client was. And now, more than ever, all of her clients seemed more interested in the murders than buying houses.

Then there was James. The man hardly let her out of his sight if he could help it. More often than not, he was the one who accompanied her to her showings. He insisted on driving her to and from work, and if he couldn’t go with her for a showing, he made her ride along with whoever was shadowing her. She hadn’t driven her own car in nearly a week.

And every evening after work, they met Bryant at the hospital so she could sit with Shannon for a few hours before going home. After five days confined to a bed, Shannon wasn’t in a particularly chipper mood.

“I feel fine. I don’t know why they won’t let me go home.”

“They said you could probably be released tomorrow.” Nudging the tray of untouched food closer to her friend, Olivia tried to keep her voice bright and cheerful. “The guest room is all ready for you.”

“Seriously, Liv. You guys have already done too much.” Shannon pushed the tray away again. “Mama said I can come stay with her for a little while.”

“You’ll be safer at their house,” Bryant insisted from across the room. “And it’s easier for the cops to keep an eye on the two of you if you’re together.” Olivia glared at him, but he just shrugged. “You know I’m right.”

“You don’t have to be such a jerk about it, Bryant.” Olivia’s voice was sharper than she’d intended, but the reminder of the constant police presence just cranked up her nerves, which were already in overdrive.

“Livvy.” James ran a hand over her hair, a gesture that normally soothed her, but at that moment just felt patronizing.

Shrugging off his touch, she focused on Shannon. “If you make us a list, we can stop at the store tomorrow and get you whatever you need. I know you like those weird smoothie things.”

Shannon rolled her eyes. The puffiness around her right eye had gone down considerably, but the discoloration lingered more than Olivia cared for. “I make my own breakfast smoothies, but I can live without those for a few days. Whatever you normally have at the house is fine.”

Frowning, Olivia nudged the tray of food back toward Shannon. “Don’t be silly. We want you to be comfortable.”

“Really, Liv. It’s just for a day or two, so I’ll be fine.”

Bryant snorted disbelievingly from the corner he’d planted himself in. “The only way it’s going to be a day or two is if you have some superhuman healing powers you’ve neglected to clue us in on,andthe cops somehow manage to catch this guy in the next forty-eight hours. You’re with them until he’s caught and you’re back to one hundred percent.”

The corner of Shannon’s lip curled up in an impressive snarl. “You are not the boss of me, Bryant Monroe.”

“Maybe not, but you’re still going to listen to me. I’m trying to keep you alive, goddammit.”

“You think I want to die?” Shannon’s voice, still rough from having their would-be murderer’s hands wrapped around her throat, rose sharply.

“I think you don’t seem too interested in helping us keep you alive,” Bryant shot back.

Before anyone could get another word in, Shannon snagged the cup of pudding from her dinner tray and hurled it at him. Unfortunately, her aim was horrible and the pudding hit the wall behind him, exploding in a shower of chocolate.

A nurse came rushing in moments later. “What is going on in here?” She looked over at Bryant, then at the chocolate dripping down the wall behind him. With a resigned sigh, she shook her head. “All right. That’s enough excitement for one night. You all need to go home now.”

“But—” Olivia’s protests were cut off by James squeezing the back of her neck. As much as she wanted to argue, she knew that signal well enough and she had no desire to earn a spanking on top of all the other bullshit they were dealing with.

“Go on, Liv. I’m tired anyway.” Shannon offered a forced smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“We’ll be here.” Giving her friend’s hand one last squeeze, she forced a smile of her own. “I promise not to bring Bryant.”

Closing her eyes, Shannon lay back against the pillows and laughed. “Good luck with that.”

After James and Bryant each said their goodbyes, the trio was ushered out of the room by Shannon’s harried nurse. They walked to the parking deck in silence, each lost in their own thoughts and worries.

“Bryant,” James began when they reached Bryant’s car. “Would you like to come over for a bit?”

The casual tone was almost too casual, and Olivia narrowed her eyes at him. What were they up to?

The slight curve of Bryant’s lip just confirmed her suspicions that they were planning something behind her back. “Yeah. I’ll meet you there.”

“What’s going on?” she asked, looking from one brother to the other.

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