Page 109 of Rescued

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Movement from the corner of his eye drew his attention. An elderly doctor who looked vaguely familiar sat behind a small desk along the back wall of the stage. The men's eyes locked briefly before the doctor nodded tersely in his direction before returning his attention to the computer monitor in front ofhim.

But it was the unmoving body in the bed that captured and held his attention for long minutes. He found himself inching forward, taking small steps, trying to get closer to get a better look at the lifeless form hooked to all of the life-savingequipment.

The closer he moved, the more distressed Alexi got. Despite being only a few feet away, it was not possible for him to recognize the man in the bed. White gauze covered most of his skin, but that which was exposed was burned and raw. Round, deep holes were randomly dispersed where fragments of hot explosives had burrowed into the victim's body, burning deep below theskin.

He felt rather than saw his aunt step next to him. They stood silently, each looking down at the shell of a man in front of them. It was difficult to know for sure because the entire left side of his face was burned beyond recognition, but as he stared at the lifeless body, Alexi filled with hope for the firsttime.

He prompted his aunt. "Vladimir?"

"Yes. My strongest son. Our family'shope."

Unbelievably, at the sound of them talking, the patient's eyes fluttered open, although it seemed to take his cousin a moment to focus through the clear agony of pain he wassuffering.

His mother motioned to the nurse, "He needs more morphine for thepain."

It was her son who silenced her. "No. Can't... think..." he grittedout.

Tears blurred Alexi's vision and he hated himself in that moment for the weakness. If Vlad could survive the bombing and the excruciating pain, he sure as hell would be toughtoo.

Alexi didn't know what words to say. He finally got out, "Cousin."

Vlad opened his mouth to speak, but his reply was only a whisper. Still, it filled Alexi with pride andcourage.

"Alexi... my newbrother."


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