Page 34 of Having It All

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His eye caught with Lukus and the best friends shared a silent exchange that spoke volumes. All four of them moved closer to clink their glasses in a salute to the life-changing weekend before quietly sipping their drinks.

Brianna spoke first. “Honey, Lukus may be a good short-order cook, but I think you missed your calling as a bartender. The only thing missing is the celery.”

Setting his drink down on the counter, Markus pulled his wife into his arms. “I made them pretty strong. I’m hoping to get you drunk so I can take you home and have my way with you.”

Brianna flirted in return. “Honey, you don’t need to get me drunk to have your way with me. I thought we already established I’m all yours. You can have your way with me any time you want.”

Markus tested her. “Really? How about right now?”

He could see the surprise cross her face, then lust. She was tempted. “Okay. Let’s go back to the bedroom.”

“Nope. Here. Now.”

It was quiet enough to hear a pin drop as all four of them stood silently, all eyes on Brianna, waiting to see how she’d react to their new reality. Markus briefly felt guilty for testing her before they’d even had a chance to talk about what the introduction of BDSM into their marriage was really going to mean to each of them. Still, he was curious to see how deep her submissive desires ran. But he was suddenly conflicted, not even sure himself what he was hoping for. Brianna didn’t let her gaze waver from his own.

With a confident smile, Brianna finally answered him. “I’d rather not, Sir. I will if it’s that important to you Markus, but I’d rather keep the changes in our marriage private. Please.”

The surprised relief he felt gave Markus his own answer. “Good girl. I was hoping you might feel that way. I’ll reward you later.”

Brianna licked her lips, looking like she might regret her decision. “You could reward me now, in the bedroom, if you’d like.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh I like the idea of making you wait better. Now, get back to making that omelet. I think we’re all ready to eat.”

“Yes, Sir.” Her face broke out in a brilliant smile that warmed his heart.

* * *


They were just about to sit down to eat when Tiffany heard the ding of the arriving elevator. She looked up to see the towering Derek emerge with his petite wife following a few steps behind. Tiff was relieved to see Rachel was at least dressed this morning, although the tiny plaid mini-skirt and white button-down midriff blouse left little to the imagination. Only when Tiff caught a glimpse of her knee-high stockings and saddle shoes did she put together Rachel was playing the role of the naughty schoolgirl this morning, pigtails and all.

As Derek moved closer to the kitchen, Tiff glimpsed the wide leather Irish school strap hanging on a hook from his even wider leather belt. A pussy-warming flashback smacked her hard at the sight of the dreaded strap. She had to close her eyes to try to catch her breath.

She tried valiantly to think of something—anything—that could take her mind off the unexpected invasion of memories of her earliest sexual stirrings as a teenager. She’d been an impressionable young woman growing up in a strict Catholic community where corporal punishment was a way of life. She might have had a chance to clear her mind in some other situation, but sitting here, surrounded by the aura of a dominant Lukus and two couples who looked like they could drop to the floor to fuck each other’s brains out at a moment’s notice, Tiff found it hard to force her mind to dwell on more mundane memories.

After managing to slow her breathing as best she could, Tiff finally opened her eyes to find Lukus had silently moved directly in front of her. His dark green eyes were watching her intently. Of course, he would have picked up on the subtle changes in her since Derek and Rachel’s arrival. He didn’t beat around the bush.

“What’s wrong?” At least he asked quietly.

Not wanting to draw any more attention to herself than she already had, Tiff impatiently tried to shush him. “Nothing. Let’s eat.”

The concern in Lukus’ eyes was immediately replaced with anger. Without taking his eyes away from Tiffany’s, he addressed the group. “We’ll be right back. You guys eat without us. Tiffany and I have something we need to discuss. In private.”

When he grabbed her hand to pull her along with him, panic took over and she dug in, refusing to move her feet. Undeterred, Lukus lifted her effortlessly in his arms, eliciting a squeal from Tiff as he quickly relocated them to his bedroom. He managed to slam the door closed with a loud kick before dropping Tiff on the bed, quickly trapping her beneath him as he caged her in, his feet firmly planted on the ground.

“I think I made it clear what would happen if you lied to me, didn’t I?”

On a scale of one to ten, her heart rate skyrocketed to eleven. “I didn’t lie. I don’t know what you’re so upset about, Lukus.”

“Don’t you? Your entire body language changed the second Derek and Rachel arrived, so don’t you dare tell me it’s nothing.”

She was smart enough to know not to say it again. “I don’t want to talk about it… especially not out there with everyone else around.”

“Then what should your answer have been?”

They were in one of their staring showdowns. No surprise—she lost. “I guess I could have said I just didn’t want to talk about it right then.”

“Yes. Or we’d talk about it later, in private.”
