Page 35 of Having It All

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“Fine. We’ll talk about it later, in private.”

Lukus’s smile was predatory. “Lucky you. We’re in private now. What happened when Derek and Rachel came in?”

“I don’t want to talk about it yet.”

“Too fucking bad. I want to know what’s going through your pretty head.”

Tiffany’s breathing was getting raspy again. “Please… I…” She could feel the heat rising in her face.

Lukus’s face was lighting up. “You’re adorable when you blush.”

Sassy Tiffany flared. “So glad you approve of my discomfort, ya big jerk.” She tried, unsuccessfully, to push him away from her so she could sit up.

Tiff wasn’t sure how it happened so fast, but the next thing she knew, she was face down over Lukus’s lap as he sat on the side of the bed. Her long-flowing blond hair was the only part of her body touching the floor. The feel of his first swat with his strong right hand surprised her more than it actually hurt, but by the third strong spank, the reality of what was happening was sinking in. The dress shirt she was wearing had risen up and the thin material of the borrowed boxer briefs underneath gave her little in the way of protection from Lukus’s punishment.

It only took about ten seconds for her anger to be replaced with submissive emotions. The memories she’d thought of in the kitchen, of watching her best friend’s twin sister being punished by her boyfriend with the dreaded Irish school strap, flickered through her consciousness as Lukus continued to deliver open-handed swats in a fast volley. Tiff was pretty sure he was holding back from using his full strength, but it didn’t take long for the heat to build up enough that she was squirming to get away.

When she lifted her right hand back to try to protect her ass, Lukus effortlessly snatched it, restraining it behind her back without so much as missing a beat. It felt odd to be holding his hand, their fingers intimately entwined, while he lit up her ass with his other punishing hand.

When he stopped about a minute later, she was grateful. She’d clamped her lips tight to keep from calling out to him as the pain got to the point where she wasn’t sure she’d be able to maintain her composure. When she felt him pulling the boxer briefs down to expose her most-likely pink butt, she finally lost it. “Oh, no! Please, no more! I’m sorry!”

Continuing on with the spanking, Lukus answered her. “Yes, I bet you’re sorry now. I didn’t think I was getting through to you, but I might have your attention now.”

“Oh yes, you do! Please, Lukus! That’s enough! Oweeee!”

She may have been begging him to stop, but even in her duress, she could feel the wetness pooling at her core. Each time his hand connected with her bottom she could feel her pussy pulsing. It was both pleasure and pain at its finest.

The steady spanking continued without interruption as Lukus began to lecture her.

“Time for more ground rules, baby. Rule number one. During a punishment, I decide when you’ve had enough. I promised you a safe word and you’ll have one for play, but the only word you get during a punishment isyellow. It will get you a short break and I’ll evaluate, but your punishment ends when I decide you’ve learned your lesson. Not before.”

“Oh Lukus. I have. Please….!” Tiff could feel the tears pooling as she tried valiantly not to dissolve into a sobbing mess.

“Rule number two. I’m always ‘Sir’during a punishment. No exceptions.” He made his point with a few especially strong spanks to her tender sit-spot.

“Ohhhhh. I’m sorry, Sir.”

His dominance melted her core. The sound of his hand as it soundly connected with her bare bottom stirred her most primal inner need. Before this very minute, she’d worried her independent streak might have decided to rear its head in the face of a punishment, making her questionable submissive material. It’d been one of her hidden concerns about making the journey from voyeur to submissive. But as her tears began in earnest, she realized she’d worried for nothing. The truth was becoming clearer with each passing moment of her first real punishment.

All these years. I’ve been waiting… dreaming of this… dreaming of him.

Rather than panic in the face of the pain, Tiffany instead acknowledged the relief of finding a man who was finally going to be strong enough to guide and protect her. She couldn’t help but be relieved he was already so tuned into her that he could notice even small nuances in her mood. The fact she could feel his growing erection under her tummy was icing on the cake.

“Now, tell me why you’re getting this beautiful ass of yours spanked.”

“I don’t know!”

Several strong swats later he prompted again. “Want to try your answer again?”

Through her tears she apologized. “Please… I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what, baby?”

“Being sassy and calling you a jerk,” Tiff choked out.

Lukus finished the swat already in progress, but finally halted the spanking, leaving her upside down. Tiff was relieved he’d stopped, but was more than aware of the vision she must have made for Lukus right now, her pink ass in the air ready for more punishment if she misbehaved again. The memories that had started this whole chain of events returned with a vengeance and she was happy he couldn’t see her face in this precarious position.

Lukus was still holding her right hand in his own as he gently began to massage her thighs, careful to avoid rubbing relief to her burning ass. “Now that we have that cleared up, I think I’ll leave you in this position as we go back to the beginning of our conversation. That way, if I don’t like your answers, I’m ready to pick up where I left off. I’ll ask one more time. What was wrong when Derek and Rachel arrived? Don’t try to tell me nothing because I saw it. Something upset you and I want to know what it was. Are you afraid of Derek?”
