Page 37 of Having It All

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“I’d never seen anything like it. I would have been mortified if I were her, but it was like she enjoyed having an audience. I think her parents figured out what was going on, too, because at that point she was only strapped in private. But we were all just in the next room so we could still hear everything. She was very… vocal. There were times I would have rather been in the room watching than in the kitchen with the rest of the family.”

“You liked to watch?”

“No… well, yes. I mean… stop getting me confused.”

Lukus was full-out laughing at her now. “Oh, baby. I’m gonna say it again, but I’d refrain from calling me a big jerk if I were you. You’re adorable when you blush.”

Tiffany bit her lower lip. She really did want to call him a jerk again, but her ass talked her into holding back. “Gee… thanks.”

“So why not the kitchen?”

“It was worse being in the next room with her brothers and their friends. If their mom was there it was bad enough, but when their mom wasn’t in the kitchen… let’s just say I learned a lot about sex in that kitchen listening as Kathleen got her ass whipped.”

“I can imagine. Teenage boys would have a field day with something like that.”

“Well, and by the time this was happening, we were all in college. They all knew their sister had gotten off on getting strapped and talked about wanting to find women like her in college. I knew her brothers really well because I would practice basketball drills and play one-on-one with them. I was so worried that… well… I just tried to melt into the background, hoping they’d never notice what happened when I thought of being spanked with that damn strap.”

“I think I’m starting to understand. You were most afraid that her brothers would notice that you were getting turned on by the spanking, weren’t you?”

Tiffany nodded.

“They were all home on a college break when her brother David brought his roommate, John, home for the weekend. Kathleen outdid herself that time. She wrecked her car talking on her cell phone. I’d never seen her parents so mad. They hauled her out of the room and we could hear her upstairs, wailing. Well, her brothers were having a field day making fun of her in the kitchen, but I noticed John just sat there very quiet… serious… listening carefully. After a few minutes, he yelled at the guys to knock it off or he’d kick their asses. I couldn’t believe they all just shut up. It was almost like they were afraid of him or something.”

“Ahh. John was a budding Dom.”

Tiffany pondered before answering. “I never thought of it like that, but you’re surely right because it wasn’t long before Kathleen started dating John. He’d come home from college almost every weekend to see her. The change in her was remarkable. She stopped being bratty almost immediately. At first, I didn’t have a clue why.”

“Let me guess. John took control of her. He knew what she needed to keep her reined in and behaving.”

Tiffany looked into the deep green eyes of Lukus, totally in awe of his intuitive read of the situation. “Of course, you’d figure that out, Mr. Dom.” Tiffany didn’t care for the smug smile that lit up his face. “I better be careful. I’m giving you a big head.”

Lukus’s smile turned merry. “Oh, baby. You do like to flirt with fire, don’t you? I’d keep going with your story if I were you before you find yourself over my lap again.”

“For the record, I hate that you can tell there’s more to the story,” she teased.

When she delayed, he urged her on. “Keep going.”

Tiffany was getting alarmed. Not that she practiced lying, but if she stuck with Lukus, she could see she was not going to be able to get away with hiding anything from him.

Who am I kidding? There is no ‘if.’ There’s no way I’m walking away from this amazing man.

With a frustrated sigh, Tiff continued on. “It was just before I was going to be leaving for college. I’d been so busy practicing basketball and the pressure of the scholarship and leaving home was closing in. Going over to Mary Ellen’s was like my only safe haven where I could get away from the stress that was building. We’d spend hours hanging out in the big treehouse they had in their backyard, listening to music and reading. It had been her brothers’ hangout, but as they got older, we girls had taken over. We’d sneak out there to… well…damn.” After stopping to throw in a flirty smile, she continued on. “It feels like I’m confessing something to my father instead of my boyfriend all of a sudden. Anyway, I don’t even remember how, but we’d somehow got our hands on several racy romance novels andCosmomagazines. Mary Ellen even found a couple back copies ofPenthouse Forumsunder her brother’s mattress. We would sneak out to the treehouse to read our contraband.”

“Youwerea naughty girl. Did you get caught and strapped?”

Tiff was relieved he’d finally guessed wrong. “Wrong, mister know-it-all.”

She caught the flash in his eyes and knew she was pushing him too far. Tiff quickly plunged forward with the rest of the story to avoid giving him time to turn her back over his knee.

“When we heard people coming up the ladder, I about had a heart attack. We quickly threw everything into our hiding place and then hid behind the big couch. Only when the door slammed and we heard John admonishing Kathleen for being a naughty girl did we know it wasn’t one of Mary Ellen’s parents who’d come in. I wanted to just stand up and tell them we were there, but Mary Ellen held me down and shushed me to keep us hidden. I still can’t believe we hid there for almost an hour.”

Lukus’s eyes were turning dark again. “I’m guessing my little voyeur heard a bit more than she bargained for.”

“Oh, yes. Heard and saw. For an impressionable eighteen-year-old virgin, it was an education to be sure. I couldn’t believe he had her dressed in her school uniform, even though school was long over. He pulled her over his lap and then he pulled her panties down to her knees… and… he spanked her bare ass really hard with her dad’s strap until even I could tell she was so close to coming, but all of a sudden he just stopped and… well…”

Lukus waited patiently for her to proceed.

“He tied her hands behind her back with a scarf and then had her kneel at his feet and give him a blowjob. I’d never seen anything like it. The rougher he got with her, the more she seemed to like it until he eventually came in her mouth and made her swallow. Then he had her lie over his lap like she had when she was getting strapped and he finger fucked her while calling her a naughty little slut until she came all over his hand. I swear I actually came in my panties that day just listening and watching her get her punishment and reward.”
