Page 36 of Having It All

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Tiffany was glad he added on the last question. That was an easy one to answer. “I’m not afraid of Derek, no. I know you’d never let him hurt me.”

“Damn straight. I’m the only one who’s going to be touching this beautiful body of yours. So, if not Derek, what had you spooked?”

It may have been only a day since she’d met him, but Tiff had already learned there was no point in trying to hide anything from this remarkable man. She had no idea how, but he’d know if she held anything back. Total truth was the only path forward.

“It was Rachel dressed as a naughty schoolgirl. That and Derek carrying the Irish school strap on his belt. It looks exactly like the strap my high school friends always had hanging in the dining room at their house. Her parents were very strict and would use it to punish Mary Ellen and her brothers and sisters if they got in trouble.”

“I see. Were they punished in front of you, or after you’d left, and you just heard about it from Mary Ellen?”

“Oh, God. Don’t make me talk about this. Please.”

“Answer me, baby. How else are we going to learn more about each other?” His words were a command, but his tone was soft, patient.

“Both.” Her reply came out in a whimper.

“Tell me. Were you ever a naughty girl who had to be punished while at their house?”

With a relieved whoosh Tiff answered truthfully. “Oh, no. I was terrified it might happen, though. I was so careful to never do anything that might get me in trouble while I was there.”

“Interesting. Were you that afraid of a spanking, Tiff?” His voice sounded wary, as if he might have already pushed her too hard.

She wasn’t sure she knew how to explain it. “Not exactly.”

“So what exactly?”

“I was more afraid of embarrassing myself in front of Mary Ellen and her family.”

“I see. So, the humiliation of the public punishment would be worse than the punishment itself?”

“Sort of.”


“Please, Sir. Can we talk about this later?”

Tiff should have kept her mouth shut. At least over his knee he couldn’t see her expressions. As if knowing he was at a disadvantage by not seeing her eyes, he helped her stand before immediately pulling her to sit in his lap, the borrowed boxers still bunched at her knees as she rested on her tender red cheeks. He took the time to brush her now messy hair back from her face, swiping gently at the stray tears he’d caused with his punishment.

Lukus flashed her a supportive smile after getting her cleaned up. “We’ll talk about it now, Tiff. These are important things for us to discuss. There’s nothing about you I don’t want to know.” Cupping her face gently with the same hand that had moments ago been connecting with her bottom, Lukus let her calm further before pushing again. “Answer me, please. Were you more afraid of the pain of the punishment or of being embarrassed by being punished in front of your friend?”

“Neither, I guess.”

Lukus looked mildly surprised. “Okay. I didn’t expect that answer. Keep going, baby.”

“I just didn’t want what happened to Mary Ellen’s twin sister to happen to me. I would have just died.” Tiff could feel her breathing coming heavy again.

“I’ll bite. What happened to Mary Ellen’s sister?”

“Let’s just say Kathleen was a brat. By the time we were ready to leave for college, she was getting a strapping at least once a week for one reason or another.”

“Let me guess. Kathleen liked it. She was probably a budding submissive.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m pretty sure she was an exhibitionist, too. She loved the attention being in trouble would bring her. Mary Ellen would joke that she could predict Kathleen’s mood and behavior based on who else was visiting. She would do something to earn a spanking more often when I was there, but she would pull out all the stops when other friends came over.”

“Let me guess. When her brother’s friends came over?”

“How’d you know that?”

Lukus was chuckling. “Lucky guess.”
