Page 43 of Having It All

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He might have been buried in client meetings all day, but the anticipation of burying himself deep in his wife was never far from his thoughts. As they’d recently celebrated their third anniversary, an outsider might think it a bit late to be acting like newlyweds. Yet considering they’d had a near marriage-ending event occur less than one week before, Markus and his bride had spent every spare minute of their trip to New York reconnecting. He was determined to use this time away to get their marriage back on firm footing. Remembering last night’s passionate marathon romp had all the blood rushing from his head to his cock.

Down, boy. We still have a few hours before you get to come out to play.

The room filled as the open-bar cocktail hour moved into full swing. He was starting to worry something might have been wrong when he spotted her. The sight of his elegant wife, paused at the top step of the entry of the grand foyer, took his breath away. A hush fell over the party. At first, Markus thought he was just tuning out the noise of the almost three hundred people in attendance, but as he walked towards her, he caught sight of several men who stopped mid-sentence to stare, mouths agape.

Dream on, boys. You can look, but don’t even think of touching. She’s all mine.

Brianna was wearing a slinky, plum dress that by all rights wasn’t risqué on its own. The deep V-cut bodice was low enough to display the curves of her ample breasts, but the floor-length gown was classy. It was how the glimmering material hugged her sexy curves that left very little to the imagination as to what lay beneath. Her long, dark hair was pulled into a seductive updo, a few stray tendrils framed her radiant face. He knew the moment her scanning eyes found him. Her radiant smile aimed directly at him threatened to knock him on his ass.

They took a few seconds, undressing each other with their eyes across the room before his hot wife descended the marble steps, each step forward revealing her tanned legs through the thigh-high slit of her gown. Her eyes never left her husband’s. Her sashay had the allure of a runway model. Even his companion, who’d been babbling along about the financial state of the country, was silenced mid-sentence, his attention riveted to the mysterious woman walking towards them.

As Brianna closed the distance between them, Markus observed the well-spoken Senator deteriorating into a bumbling teenager. By the time she stopped in front of them, Jonathan openly stared, his mouth agape.

Markus and Brianna spend time drinking each other in before he closed the remaining distance, taking her in his arms and pulling her tight against his chest. Over her shoulder he saw several jealous onlookers eyeing him with death stares.

“I was starting to worry about you, sweetheart. Is everything okay?” His intimate whisper against her ear triggered a shiver through her body.

Brianna threw her arms around his neck, nuzzling in close to whisper back. “I’m sorry Sir, but it took extra time before I got dressed to prepare myself as you requested.”

Markus needed to see her eyes. He pulled back to gaze down upon his wife. “Does that mean you completed your full list, young lady?”

There was plenty of early evening light streaming in through the massive skylights. More than enough for Markus to catch the adorable blush highlighting his wife’s cheeks. With a surge of joy, he remembered she was so much more than just his wife now. All week long he kept getting reminded of their previous weekend. The weekend when everything had changed between them. Sitting in client meetings, on conference calls, awakened in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, or even now, standing in the middle of the crowded Metropolitan Museum, the memories resurfaced of how close he had come to losing the love of his life. He reacted instinctively by hugging her closer, if that was possible, subconsciously daring her to try to get away.

Brianna was finally able to answer. “Yes, Sir.”

“Very good. Of course, I’ll have to do my own personal inspection. In fact, I have a few other preparations you’re gonna need to make now that you’re here.” He flashed her a mischievous smile before continuing. “But, you’re safe for now. Come, my dear. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

Releasing her reluctantly, Markus instead reached for her hand, turning back to his old professor, who was still standing there with the same silly look on his face. “Professor, or should I say Senator Withers, I’d like to introduce you to my wife, Brianna. Sweetheart, I bumped into an old professor from Northwestern while I was waiting for you to join me. Professor Withers retired from the life of academia and is now a New York state senator.”

To his credit, the senator recovered his composure and captured Brianna’s other hand, bringing it to his lips to gallantly place a light kiss. “It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you, Brianna.” He glanced sideways at the younger lawyer. “Damn, Markus. Some guys have all the luck.”

Before Markus could reply, Brianna surprised both men with her quick retort. “Oh, but Senator, you have it all wrong. I’m the lucky one in this relationship.” Her chocolate brown eyes turned back to her husband, shining with an adorable mix of love and lust.

Jonathan chuckled as he released her hand in time to nab another flute of champagne to offer to Brianna. “Well, I can see you’ve married well, Mr. Lambert.” Raising his glass, he continued. “I’d like to offer a salute to your beautiful wife here, that is if you’ll stop undressing her with your eyes long enough to toast.”

It took several long seconds for his words to register before Markus reluctantly tore his gaze away from his wife to smile at his old professor. “Looks like I’ve been caught red-handed. I’ll have to settle for a toast.” As he winked at Brianna, he couldn’t stop the playful grin from emerging.

If only Jonathan knew how close I am to doing exactly as I promised. If we were at The Punishment Pit instead of The Met, I’d be balls-deep already.

“To the newlyweds. I can always spot a couple who haven’t quite finished their honeymoon yet. How many months have you been married?”

Markus let Brianna take the question. “Actually, we just celebrated our third anniversary.”

“Well, that explains it. At three months, I’d still be bringing her along on my business trips, too.”

“No, sir. You misunderstood. We just celebrated our thirdyearof marriage. I’m just lucky he still likes me to tag along. I hate when he’s gone overnight for work.”

The professor glanced back at Markus, as if to validate her claim. “Well I’ll be damned. Now I’m really jealous. I don’t think my ex-wife looked at me like that on our wedding night, let alone three years in.”

Moving next to Bri, Markus slipped his arm intimately around her waist, pulling her close. Raising his glass, he offered up a toast. “To my beautiful wife. I love you more every single day, baby.”

They all took time to sip the expensive bubbly before Markus moved in, capturing her lips in a modest kiss.

From inside Brianna’s clutch, the muffled sound of her cell phone ringing interrupted them.

Damn that woman. It’s like she knows the second we are kissing.

Brianna looked guilty as she pulled out of their embrace to pick up the call before it rolled over to voicemail. Just before she pressedanswer, she had the nerve to play innocent. “What?”
