Page 44 of Having It All

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“Don’twhatme, young lady. That’s the third kiss this week she’s interrupted.”

Brianna wasn’t playing fair as she flashed her most playful grin his way. “She’s just nervous, honey. She needs lots of advice. Can I take it? Pretty please?”

Little did she know… he couldn’t say no to her if he’d tried. They might have spent much of the week laying the groundwork of the new power exchange dynamics in their marriage, but as the week had progressed, Markus had had to acknowledge that while he may officially be his wife’s Dominant, she still had the ability to bring him to his knees with a simple smile, the scent of her arousal, a light touch of her hand. This week he’d been more aware than ever of the delicate dance of a D/s relationship.

To her credit, Bri waited obediently. At his simple nod, she grinned victoriously as she pressedanswerjust in time. “Tiff, you there?”

Markus should have been mad at the intrusion of the call, but he loved his wife’s best friend too much to be angry. Besides, she was most likely calling for more advice on how to handle her budding D/s relationship with his own best friend. Markus felt a bit guilty about hiding the fact from his wife that Lukus had called him twice this week for advice.

Interrupting her call, Markus leaned close. “I’m going to grab us some appetizers from the buffet. I’ll be back in a couple minutes and we’ll find our table. Wrap it up before I get back.”

Markus delivered a quick kiss and, on a whim, brushed her ass just long enough to send the signal loud and clear to the men standing nearby to keep their mitts off his woman.

Tearing himself away, he turned to his old professor. “Come on, Jonathan. I’ll buy you an appetizer.”

“So nice of you, cheap bastard, considering they’re complimentary.”

* * *


“Brianna, are you there?” Tiffany asked.

“Yeah. Sorry about that. I was a little distracted.”

“Oh, no. I didn’t interrupt you guys having sex again, did I?”

Brianna giggled. “No, not this time. We’re actually out at a fundraiser. I only have a few minutes before Markus gets back. What’s up? Everything okay at the shop?”

A wave of guilt swept over Brianna as she remembered that she had left her best friend and second in command behind in Chicago to hold down the fort all week at The Beauty Box. She should have been there, taking care of business, so her best friend could focus on her new relationship with her yummy new boyfriend.

“Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine, although a bit slow at the shop. It rained most of the day. We didn’t have any walk-ins. That’s not why I’m calling.”

“Okay. So, I assume this call has something to do with the really hot guy with tight abs, sexy five o’clock shadow, and dreamy green eyes who has a nasty habit of threatening to spank you every night.”

“You know, that’s what has me freaked out. He’s driven out to my place three nights in a row this week and honestly, he’s been an absolute gentleman, assuming a gentleman is allowed to make love until he makes his woman scream.” Tiffany giggled self-consciously before spitting out what had her worried. “Anyway, tonight is going to be different. It’s the first time I’m going down to his loft and Bri, I’m coming unhinged. I’ve loved every minute of our time together this week. We’ve spent hours talking, getting to know each other, and it’s freaking me out. I keep waiting to find out something about him that is going to burst the bubble, but it just hasn’t happened. It’s terrible.”

Bri ’couldn’t help but laugh at her friend. “Oh, I agree. It sounds absolutely horrible. I can see why you’re upset.”

“Stop laughing at me. You know what I mean.”

“No, Tiff. I don’t. Do you even hear yourself? You like him. He likes you. The wordterribledoesn’t belong in this conversation.”

“Well, it will belong if I end up getting my heart broken. I really like him, Bri. This week has been like a dream so far, but I’m scared.”

“Of what?”

“Him,” Tiff said.

“Not good enough. Of what, really?”

“I don’t know. I guess, by his own admission, he doesn’t do relationships. I can’t stop myself from thinking about what the shelf life is for a relationship like ours.”

“Stop. Right now. You do this all the time. Stop thinking. Stop worrying.”

“But tonight is the first night I’ll be at the club when it’s open. What if I do something wrong? What if I embarrass him? What if he asks me to do things I don’t want to do? What if—”

Bri interrupted her. “Stop!” The telltale signs of her best friend’s panic were evident in the heavy breathing at the other end of the line. “Tiff, you need to take a deep breath and calm down. There is no way you’re going to do something embarrassing, and truly, haven’t you figured out by now that Lukus will never make you do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing? You have your safeword, right?”

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